Gravity Wiz Weekly 244

GC OpenAI Beta 2 — Vision! Plus, highlights from our annual wizard retreat, Diviguy’s cloud hosting cost calculator, and a new snippet for conditional limits for dates.

Greetings, wizards!

At Gravity Wiz, we like to play as hard as we work. We’re back from our annual retreat and have lots to share on both counts.

Ready to have some fun? 😄

Fun: Wizard Retreat 2024

Last week, our team had the incredible opportunity to meet in Chicago for a much-anticipated retreat. We took in the city’s incredible architecture on a river tour, indulged in some oh-so-tasty local restaurants, and, most importantly, spent quality time working together face-to-face.

There’s something uniquely powerful about being in the same room, and this experience helped us deepen our connection in ways that only in-person collaboration can. It was a truly rewarding adventure that’s left us feeling energized and more aligned than ever.

Wizards unite! 🧙‍♂️

New: GC OpenAI Beta 2; Vision!

Our OpenAI connection just hit Beta 2 and includes support for Vision and Attachments! This means that you can use GC OpenAI to “view” images and read files and then answer questions about them.

Here are a few epic ways to put this new functionality to work:

  1. Extract text from images – Get totals from receipts, addresses from correspondence, product information from tags.
  2. Custom reporting – Attach raw sales data to your Assistant and then let privileged users ask questions about that data to glean insights.
  3. Document comparison – Let users upload two different documents and have OpenAI highlight the differences.

And that truly is the tip of the AIceberg. 🧊

The best part is how easy all of this is to configure. Here’s a quick demo I recorded for a future Gravity Connect customer this week where I extract some text from a meme.

Are you starting to see the big picture here? 🥁

Fresh: Highlights of the Week

This week, we added lots of new hooks, compatibility improves for the Gravity Forms theme framework, and even a couple fixes for the impending release of Gravity Forms 2.9. Get all the scope in the full change log below.

For now, let me share a few of my weekly highlights.

  1. Disable Sharing with GP Advanced Save & Continue
    We’ve introduced a new setting that lets you prevent your users from sharing their drafts. This is great if your forms contain sensitive information and you don’t want users accidentally sharing Save & Continue links.
  2. Customize Your Reload Links with GP Reload Form
    A Gravity Perks customer wanted to style their Reload Form link like other buttons on their site. All they needed to do was add a specific class to the generated anchor. We added a new hook (and an example) to make that possible.
  3. Get Sticky with GC Notion:
    Some wizards were creating some rather beefy page templates and found having to scroll up to access formatting toolbar was, well, annoying. We agree so you’ll find in the latest version of our Notion connection the toolbar will follow you down the page.

Spotlight: Diviguy’s Cloud Hosting Cost Calculator

It’s always exciting seeing our customers use Gravity Forms to build tools that aren’t… well, forms. In this case, Joe DiDomenico AKA Diviguy used Gravity Forms with GP Advanced Calculations to build an online calculator for cloud hosting for a client of his.

We took a look at the conditional formulas he used and how its setup so you can make something similar, if you wanted to! 

New Snippet: Conditional Limits for Dates

Ever wanted to use Limit Dates to limit your Date fields depending on user selections? For example, Location A might only be open on Mondays and Tuesdays while Location B is open Wednesday through Friday.

Previously, we’d recommend creating two Date fields, each with their respective limits applied, and then use field conditional logic to show/hide the applicable field based on the selected location.

This gets the job done but it creates extra fields (sometimes dozens of extra fields for more complex configurations) which makes forms harder to manage and makes passing/displaying the selected date in feeds, notifications, and confirmations tricky.

This exploratory snippet allows you to use a single Date field an apply different configurations based on conditional logic managed directly in the snippet.

Join me for a hot look at how this can be applied with just a wave of your magic wand.

Product Updates

Gravity Perks

GP Advanced Calculations (v1.1.6)

  • Added PHP version of gpac_should_clean_merge_tag_value.
  • Fixed issue where setting gpac_should_clean_merge_tag_value would not always ensure that non-numeric values are quoted.

GP Advanced Save & Continue (v1.0.25)

GP Conditional Pricing (v2.0.12)

  • Fixed an issue where leading or trailing whitespace in rule values caused issues with matching.

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.85)

  • Improved compatibility with GP Advanced Phone Field 1.1 and newer.

GP eCommerce Fields (v1.2.29)

  • Improved compatibility with GF 2.9.

GP Email Users (v2.0.9)

GP File Renamer (v1.0.9)

  • Fixed an issue introduced in Gravity Forms where existing files in a Multi File Upload field were lost when editing an entry via a Gravity Form.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.4.2)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity Forms 2.9.

GP Inventory (1.0-beta-3.40)

GP Media Library (v1.2.31)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.67)

  • Added additional security check  when editing entries.
  • Added a check before initializing certain frontend logic to prevent JS errors during initialization if the form is not displayed due to restrictions (e.g. GP Limit Submissions).
  • Fixed issue where removing files from File Upload fields when editing child entries would not result in the files being deleted.

GP Populate Anything (v2.1.13)

  • Added support for option groups in the form field settings Object Type selector.
  • Fixed issue where filter values from fields that are empty strings could be converted to null on object types that do not support null as a special value.

GP Preview Submission (v1.3.20)

  • Fixed an issue where Number fields with calculations were not showing correct results in some cases.

GP QR Code (v1.0.13)

  • Improved styling of the scanner pop-up if using the Gravity Forms theme framework.

GP Reload Form (v2.1.9)

Gravity Connect

GC Google Sheets (v1.3.9)

  • Added experimental gcgs_feed_action filter hook.
  • Added experimental gcgs_lookup_field filter hook.
  • Fixed an issue where Row Hash column is not available for selection in the GP Populate Anything Object Type.
  • Fixed issue where a license would not be selected for GC Google Sheets in some situations prevent authenticating with Google.

GC Notion (1.0-beta-1.6)

  • Added sticky toolbar to “Notion Page Content Template Editor” in feed settings.

GC Open AI (1.0-beta-2.1)

  • Fixed styling of the Stream field’s output if a form is using the Gravity Forms theme framework.

Gravity Shop

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta-2.20)

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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