Category: Updates

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #98

Greetings, wizards. πŸ™‚ Lots to share this week so let’s jump right in! The Guide to Gravity Gravity Forms has an awesome ecosystem of talented …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #97

Greetings, wizards. πŸ™‚ We’re not very old as far as wizards go but we’re old enough know that there just isn’t enough time in the …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #96

We’re famous!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #95

Greetings, wizards! We’re still wizarding away on our Gravity Forms 2.5 optimizations for Gravity Perks. The new settings design introduced in GF 2.5 really help …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #94

Greetings, wizards! If you haven’t been hiding up in your towers, you’ve probably heard that Gravity Forms has released Gravity Forms 2.5 Beta 1. Exciting …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #93

Greetings, wizards! We’re still hard at work putting the final touches on the first beta for Gravity Forms File Upload Pro. Last week we gave …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #92

Multisite Global Forms, Video Tutorials, GF File Upload Pro.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #91

Bulk Generate PDFs, GF ❀️ Accessibility, Wizbergs!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #90

First a metaphor. Then a whole lot of new content. Who could ask for more?

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #89

Greetings, wizards. πŸ™‚ We hope you’re safe and sound, isolated but not alone. We’ve been busy little wizards, keeping our noses in our codebooks, embracing …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #88

Wizards have a way with words. And uber updates!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #87

Natalie the New, New Perk Inc, Perks are Perkin’

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #86

New hire, bug fixes, sneaky feature.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #85

Stay awhile and listen. πŸ”₯

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #84

How much is a wizard’s weight in wands?