Category: Updates

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #77

Feedback Wanted, Date Time Calculator, Feed-specific Submit Button.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #76

Nested Forms Final Beta, Security Audit, Bug Fixes.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #75

We want one thing and one thing only. One point O.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #74

Nested Forms Nears 1.0, Easy Passthrough Revealed, Support Optimizations Update.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #73

New Populate Anything Release, Mystery Perk Imminent, Meet Scott.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #72

Bulk Pricing, Still Poppin’ Anything, WCEU.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #71

WordCamp Europe, Populate Anything Polish, Mystery Perk.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #70

Populate Anything ❤️ GravityView, Shared Limits, Minimum Order Quantity.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #69

Getting Organized, Security Enhancements, Bug Hunting.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #68

Support Optimizations, TypeScript, Loading UX.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #67

Plugin Acquisition, Linked Datepickers, All Fields Template.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #66

Greetings, wizards! We’re interviewing some amazing candidates for the support engineer position. We’ve spent a lot of time finding the right fit. It’s important to …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #65

Hello, wizards! We’re still hunting for a support engineer and a technical writer. If you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you. Other than that, …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #64

Gravity Wiz is Hiring!Gravity PerksGravity Wiz is Hiring! Any wizards out there looking for an awesome new job? We’re hiring for two positions! A remote …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #63

Hello, wizards! If you’re using Gravity Forms often, you owe it to yourself to check out Live Preview. It started as an easy way to …