Category: Updates

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #164

Q3 highlights are in — see what you missed! Plus, Gravity Perks suite updates, our next Wizarding Workshop live session, and how to require case-sensitive unique values on Gravity Forms. 👀

Wizarding Workshop: Thursday, October 27th at 1:00PM EST

We’ll be going live today at 1:00PM EST. Join us via the link below!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #163

New Perks! Plus, Conditional Pricing gets an accessibility boost, delete sensitive files automatically, and submit a form from any page.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #162

Demand based pricing, time-saving Media Library tricks, how to use List fields as choices, and other powerful Gravity Forms incantations.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #161

Address Autcomplete gets a map field! Plus, learn how to manage teams in Nested Forms, conditionally disable checkboxes, and other spellbinding level ups.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #160

Email Users gets +2 conditional logic, why you should try tiny mailing lists, and other (Gravity Perks) suite new features, straight from the wizard’s workshop.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #159

Snippet spells for Entry Blocks, Gravity Forms 2.7 Beta 1 is here, internal web apps powered by perks, and the most comprehensive guide to Gravity Forms Shortcodes… ever?

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #158

Introducing our 45th perk: Gravity Forms Advanced Phone Field. Plus, Row IDs for Nested Forms, a new Question of The Week, and how to replace 20 Product fields with one.

gravity perks live

Ask a Wizard Anything — Live Gravity Perks Q&A!

We’re live at 1:00PM EST on Thursday, August 18th.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #157

30 new barcode formats for QR Code, multi-input sorting & multiple blocks for Entry Blocks, using Media Library with ACF, and our first live Gravity Perks Q&A session ever!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #156

On the menu: Email Users 2.0 gets redesigned from the ground up, pondering the deepest philosophical conundrums with Reload Form 2.1, and plenty of other Gravity Forms magic.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #155

Find things faster with faceted filtering for Populate Anything, plus, easy, breezy, beautiful Image Choices and Page Transitions.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #154

Greetings, wizards! We had another busy week helping customers do amazing things with Gravity Forms (and Gravity Perks, of course)… which means we’ve got a …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #153

Introducing, GP QR Code. Plus, Nested Forms gets Advanced Calc support, adding Gravity Forms Inventory to your party tricks, and wizards wanted.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #152

Shorthand variables with GP Advanced Calculations, GP Inventory gets conditional logic, and a handful of fresh Gravity Forms snippets.