Gravity Wiz Weekly #118

Address Autocomplete gets a buff, a free snippet perfect for agencies and developers, and one customer brings a tear to our eyes (and down our beards).

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

We’re really hitting our stride here at Gravity Wiz. I’m genuinely delighted to have such a wonderful audience to share all these magical updates and resources with. Thank you!

Now let’s dig in!

Address Autocomplete 1.1: enhanced for wizards worldwideβ„’. 

By implementing the Address Autocomplete perk, your forms become nearly telepathic thanks to the Google Places API integration. The single-tap autocomplete functionality saves your users time, improves form conversions, and reduces form abandonment.

In 1.1, Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete does an even better job of supporting address formats around the world. Countries that place street numbers before or after street names are handled instantly. If extended address information is detected after a user taps autocomplete, this info will now be added to the β€œAddress Line 2” field automatically. We’ve also added some new capabilities for easily managing who has access to this plugin’s settings. Onward!

address autocomplete for gravity forms

Quote of The Week

You have provided the most attentive and thorough support that I have experienced from any software support ever! Congratulations on a superb effort and thank you so much for what you did for me.

Kevin King of Altegra

We take great pride in supporting our customers. This one brings a tear to our eyes (and down our beards). Thank you, Kevin.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

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Gravity Hopper | Shortcuts for GP Live Preview – Our friends at Gravity Hopper build delightful enchantments for Gravity Forms. One such add-on provides keyboard shortcuts for faster Gravity Forms navigation and use. They’ve recently added shortcut support for our Live Preview perk, giving users the power to instantly see a full Live Preview of their form by simply tapping β€˜P’ on their keyboard. Magical!

Update Perks Tab Label in Field Settings – Our customers are using Gravity Perks for their own websites or configuring them on behalf of their clients. In the latter scenario, the Perks tab label can be confusing for clients because they may not be aware of the plugin behind it. This snippet provides a simple way to change the perk tab label to anything that you’d like (e.g. “Bonus Features!”).

Gravity Forms Progress Meter | Display Numbers In the Thousands – This plugin provides a powerful incentive for users on forms that track a specified submission count, monetary goals, or sum of a field value. This week we improved support for large numbers by automatically formatting them with thousand separators depending on your configured currency. 

Gravity Perks

GP Address Autocomplete (v1.1)

  • Added new capabilities to grant/deny access to Address Autocomplete settings and to uninstall it.
  • Added support for saving the coordinates of autocompleted addresses in entry meta. This improves compatibility with plugins such as GravityView Maps!
  • Improved formatting of addresses where the street number follows the street/route.
  • Improved handling of populating City inputs for countries including Brazil.

GP Easy Passthrough (v1.9.6)

GP Limit Choices (v1.7.5)

  • Fixed issue where remaining count conditional logic would not work with delayed payment feeds.

GP Limit Submissions (v1.0.4)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue when working with a User Edit step in Gravity Flow.

GP Multi-Page Navigation (v1.1.3)

  • Fixed an i18n form error message issue.

GP Populate Anything (v1.0.14)

  • Improved compatibility with GravityFlow by hydrating the form on every step type.
  • Fixed a potential issue where LMTs may cause some forms to continuously reload.

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