Gravity Wiz Weekly #177

Our 46th perk is here to save the day… and your data. Plus, suite new features for Entry Blocks, Nested Forms, and QR Code, and the full recording from our last workshop.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards! 

Our 46th perk has arrived. And you’re going to love it. 😍

In fact, let’s just save ourselves some time and continue😉

Here to Save the Day: GP Advanced Save & Continue

GP Advanced Save & Continue (GPASC) takes the worry out of working with long forms. No more fretting about losing your progress. No more confusion tracking down that magic token to restore your previous data.

advanced save and continue for gravity forms

GPASC can auto-save and auto-load your previous drafts creating a frictionless, stress-free form submission experience.

Working with multiple drafts? GPASC gives you indispensable tools for managing drafts. View, resume, delete, and start new drafts without writing a line of code.

gravity forms advanced save and continue

This functionality couldn’t possibly work for unauthenticated users, right? Wrong! GPASC works with logged-in users and visitors – and – even accounts for data privacy by requesting permission from users who aren’t logged in.

Ready to bring peace of mind to everyone using your forms?

The Suite Spot: Highlights

Entry Blocks – The Pagination block received a little overhaul with the addition of support for page number links in addition to the existing next/previous links. Both can be toggled independently.

gravity forms entry blocks pagination

Address Autocomplete + Easy Passthrough – Address coordinates can now be passed from one form to another with Easy Passthrough!

Nested Forms – The Row ID summary column will now show up for Nested Form fields in the Entry Detail view. It’ll also be displayed by default when using the :gpnf_table modifier snippet.

gravity forms nested forms row ID summary

QR Code – The in-field scanner now works with Paragraph Text fields when enabled by filter. Super useful when you’re scanning data that includes new lines or line breaks.

Wizarding Workshops

Workshop IV: Advanced Save & Continue + Custom Page Transitions

Missed our last workshop? No worries. We’ve got the recording all cleaned up and ready for you to consume at your leisure.

Enjoy a thorough demo of Advanced Save & Continue (now released!), a crash course on creating custom page transitions with Page Transitions, and some really great questions from our community!

Workshop V: Unleash GF OpenAI

Our next workshop is going to be exclusively focused on using our free OpenAI plugin to take your Gravity Forms to the next level. We’ll also be answering your questions on OpenAI, and yes, there will be lots of real-world examples. 😉

New Resources

Classic Snippet | Post Permalink Merge Tag

This oldie provides the ever-useful {post_permalink} merge tag and hasn’t been updated since its inception. We ended that drought this week with support for outputting the post permalink for posts generated by the GF Advanced Post Creation add-on.

Populate Anything | Ignore Validation for “No Results”

When populating choices with Populate Anything, your filters may return no results (particularly applicable when filtering by user input). By default, if a field is required and has no results, it will fail validation. This snippet allows you to ignore the required validation in this scenario.

Unique ID | Sequential IDs by User Selected Date

We previously shared a snippet that offered daily sequential IDs. This week, we had a Pro customer who needed the same functionality but where the date is selected by the user rather than based on the current date. When a Pro customer asks for a minor customization, we aim to please!

Gravity Perks

GP Address Autocomplete (v1.2.10)

  • Added support for populating the coordinates hidden input with other Address Autocomplete coordinates inputs using GP Easy Passthrough.

GP Advanced Save and Continue (1.0-beta-1)

  • Hello World!

GP Easy Passthrough (v1.9.17)

  • Added new gpep_source_form_field_map filter and added additional parameters to the gpep_field_values filter hook.

GP Entry Blocks (v1.0-alpha-2.9)

  • Added new setting to show page number links and a new setting to control the display of next/previous links in the Pagination block.
  • Fixed regression with filters not working as intended.

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-3.15)

  • Fixed an issue where empty inventory limit was forced to 0 and not omitted from inventory list.
  • Fixed issue where Inventory Limit template was not set correctly if the results were filtered by a field value.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.13)

  • Added support for optionally including the Row ID column in post-submission output (i.e. merge tags, templates).

GP Page Transitions (v1.0.3)

  • Improved logic around adjusting form height depending on conditionally displayed/hidden field visibility.
  • Fixed an error that could be thrown by Page Transitions if a form did not have pages.

GP Populate Anything (v1.2.40)

  • Fixed an issue where Post date filters wouldn’t work if the filter relies on a value from a field populated with Easy Passthrough.

GP QR Code (v1.0.2)

  • Added support for displaying scanner button when enabled for Paragraph fields.

GP Unique ID (v1.4.12)

  • Updated filter gpui_unique_id_attributes to include entry value.
  • Fixed an issue where Unique ID was regenerated for an unspammed/untrashed entry, which already had a Unique ID stored.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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