Gravity Wiz Weekly 211

Another list of instances where we get carried away creating awesome snippets for customers. šŸ˜… Plus, updates to Google Sheets, Live Preview, coupon code generators, and more.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards! 

Look, I know Iā€™m constantly hyping up our newsletterā€¦ but donā€™t you dare think Iā€™m just selling you snake oil. Iā€™m no doctor but this weekā€™s edition is so full of nutritional Gravity Forms nuggets, it may actually lower your cholesterol and reduce joint pain.

Eat up! šŸ½ļø

Forking Fantastic: GP Advanced Select 1.1

advanced select 1.1 summary release

Back when we were dreaming up all the things that Advanced Select could be, we spent a good month trying out different libraries determined to find the perfect fit.

Tom Select is amazing. It feels good. It looks good. And itā€™s delightfully accessible

But even this amazing library had some shortcomings that were slowing us down. So we made the tough decision to fork it, fix it, and forge ahead.

Advanced Select 1.1 comes packaged with our own version of Tom Select that we can iterate upon much more quickly and still benefit from improvements made to the original library.

First up: Weā€™ve added full support for all of our existing snippets that work with native Drop Downs and Multi Selects.

My personal favorite? Prevent Duplicate Selections. šŸ˜

prevent duplicate selections gravity forms

So much more to come. šŸ™

Highlights of the Week

Google Sheets

Automatically send and sync Gravity Forms data with Google Sheets ā€” and unlock new possibilities for your data.

Our fastest iterating perk got some hot updates this week.

First, we improved support for filtering by date and time when populating spreadsheet data via Populate Anything

How is this useful? Populate a list of events from your Event Details spreadsheet where the date is greater than today. Or, populate courses from your Courses spreadsheet where the start time is after a user-specified time. And thatā€™s just a hamburger-sized bite of what you can do. šŸ”

The other banginā€™ feature weā€™ve added is the ability to save to and populate from spreadsheets in Shared Drives. Keep your spreadsheets where they make the most sense for your organization. šŸ‘Œ


Live Preview

Preview your forms on the frontend of your site and investigate issues with a whole kit of troubleshooting tools.

Any time I talk about Live Preview, just translate that in your mind to something like ā€œDev Tools for Gravity Formsā€ or ā€œGF Troubleshooter Proā€. Weā€™ll get around to actually renaming it at some point. šŸ˜†

One of its epic troubleshooting features is the ability to reveal hidden fields on your form with the ā€œShow Hiddenā€ option.

show hidden live preview gravity forms

This week, we added support for using this powerful troubleshooting option with hidden fields populated by Populate Anything. Troubleshooting truly dynamic forms doesnā€™t get easier than this. šŸ™Œ


Gravity Forms 2.8

More on this next week but I had to give our team a huge shoutout for the plethora of compatibility fixes we rolled out for the next major version of Gravity Forms!

New Resources

3rd-party Resource | Coupon Code Creator

One of our long-time Gravity Perks customers has enhanced our free snippet for creating Gravity Forms coupons by form submission. If youā€™re looking for an easy-to-use interface for incentivizing your users with coupons and gift certificates, check out this new plugin. āœ…

Page Transitions | Change Transition Speed

We do our best to make Gravity Perks easy to customize. When a Pro customer wrote in to ask how hard it would be to change the transition speed of Page Transitionsā€™ tasty page animations, we were delighted to respond ā€œ2ezā€ followed by this snippet. šŸ˜„

page transitions change transitions speed

Populate Anything | Notification Choices

Bring Gravity Formsā€™ Resend Notifications feature to the frontend with another classic example of us wizards getting carried away assisting on a customerā€™s quest. šŸ˜…

This snippet (combined with Populate Anything) will populate a list of notifications from a form and then send that notification for a selected entry. Watch the full walkthrough below.

Product Updates

GP Advanced Select (v1.1)

  • Improved compatibility with snippets that interact with the native select element.
  • Updated `tom-select` dependency to use new Gravity Wiz fork

GP Conditional Logic Dates (v1.2.14)

  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.

GP Conditional Pricing (v1.4.10)

  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.

GP eCommerce Fields (v1.2.25)

  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.
  • Fixed potential PHP error when using WP-CLI.

GP Google Sheets (v1.1.3)

  • Added test values for GP Unique ID fields.
  • Improved the logic for date detection in the Populate Anything Google Sheets Object Type.
  • Improved support for filtering by times when using the Populate Anything Google Sheet Object Type.
  • Improved compatibility with React in versions of WordPress older than 6.2.
  • Updated the max number of Google Sheets that the Populate Anything Spreadsheet dropdown could show to 1000.
  • Fixed issue were unique column mappings would not work if multiple feeds pointed to the same spreadsheet.
  • Fixed issue where files in Shared Drives could be selected, but not used.
  • Fixed issue where query hashing in the Populate Anything Object Type could cause issues with Field Value Objects.

GP Live Preview (v1.6.9)

  • Improved compatibility with GP Populate Anything by supporting the “Show Hidden” setting when fields are dynamically refreshed.

GP Media Library (v1.2.29)

  • Fixed potential PHP error when using WP-CLI.
  • Fixed issue where the gpml_delete_entry_files_from_media_library hook was not taking effect if set to false.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.44)

  • Updated theme framework styling to work with Gravity Forms 2.8.
  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.
  • Fixed an issue where notifications were not sent for child forms that have Dropbox feeds.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0.25)

  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.

GP Populate Anything (v2.0.26)

  • Updated remaining references to String.prototype.format() to use String.prototype.gformFormat() as the former is removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.
  • Fixed issue where Populate Anything filters configured in the form editor would sometimes lose the selected property when selecting a value.
  • Fixed issue where values using Live Merge Tags could revert to a different value if changed in some situations when chaining Live Merge Tags.
  • Removed populate_form as a callback on gform_admin_pre_render by default to prevent dynamic choices from getting saved into form data.

GP Read Only (v1.9.20)

  • Improved compatibility with version 5 and newer of the Stripe add-on.
  • Fixed issue where Read Only Shipping fields would lose their value after submission.


  1. Chad Nilsson
    Chad Nilsson September 14, 2024 at 3:48 pm

    Bringing the resend notifications to the frontend is awesome. Is there a way to modify that so that you could use a multiselect or checkbox field for the entries, so you could potentially send these in bulk? This would solve a few major potential roadblocks for me, as i’m building an admin system for staff to be able to manage data on the frontend without touching the wp backend, and sending emails/notifications is proving to be a big hurdle – this would help massively as I could set up a number of notifications, and they could esentialy ‘bulk email’ users(entries) with the specific notificaiton rather than one by one.

    1. Samuel Bassah
      Samuel Bassah Staff September 16, 2024 at 11:11 am

      Hi Chad,

      This is currently not possible and may require customization to the snippet to get it working the way you want. Snippet customization is available to users with Pro license, so if you have a Pro license, you can submit a feature request for this via our support form, so our product team can look into this.


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