Gravity Wiz Weekly 240

Gravity Connect OpenAI is here! Plus, update posts after approval with Gravity Flow, inline Datepickers for mobile, and other highlights.

Greetings, wizards!

The world is evolving faster than ever. Technology is breaking new ground every day. It can all feel a little overwhelming.

I bumped into this quote at my favorite sandwich joint:

As a cure for worrying, work is better than whisky

At Gravity Wiz, we work to solve real world problems every day, both in the development of our products and in the supporting of our customers. I have to say… it is quite the cure!

Do you have a project requirement that’s keeping you up at night? Drop us a line. I bet we can help. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

If we don’t hear from you, I’ll assume you found your answer in this week’s newsletter. πŸ˜„

Gravity Connect: OpenAI

gravity connect openai cover image

When ChatGPT arrived almost two years ago, Clay (our CTO) spent a few weekends whipping up a free plugin that would allow Gravity Forms users to put the magic of AI to work in their forms.

Since then, our customers have put this plugin through its paces, building some truly exceptional tools. We’ve been gathering feedback and fine-tuning our vision for an even more robust version of this product all the while.

With the launch of Gravity Connect, we bring you the OpenAI Connection. GC OpenAI introduces the ability to…

  • Stream AI responses
  • Generate images
  • Convert text into speech
  • Transcribe audio into text
  • Integrate with finely-crafted Assistants

And there’s more mind-bending functionality on the way! For now…

Highlights of the Week

We’ve got a yuge changelog this week. Here are my personal highlights.

Full changelog below. πŸ‘‡

Resources & Mentions

Sale: Gravity Forms Elite 40% Off for WCUS

wordcamp us gravity forms promotion

The mothership will be repping the best form builder in the world at WordCamp US in Portland next week. If you’re attending, make sure to stop by their booth and tell them how much you love Gravity Wiz. πŸ˜‰

For those of you who haven’t made the leap to Gravity Forms Elite, a 40% discount is a pretty incredible deal. Get the details:

Snippet Update: Update Posts After Approval with Gravity Flow

snippet update: update posts with gravity forms

Our ever popular Update Posts for Gravity Forms snippet can now update posts after the associated entry has been approved via a Gravity Flow User Approval step.

I can’t tell you how tempting it is to make this snippet into a plugin… who wants it?

New Snippet: Inline Datepicker for Mobile Devices

Our Limit Dates perk provide a one-click option for converting your Datepicker fields into Inline Datepickers – ya know, where you see the whole calendar by default.

But what if you want to show a regular datepicker for desktop users and an Inline Datepicker for mobile devices? This snippet will do the trick.

Join Saif, our legendary dev support lead, for a quick walkthrough!

Product Updates

Gravity Perks

GP Advanced Calculations (v1.1.4)

  • Added support for multi-line conditionals.

GP Address Autocomplete (v1.2.24)

  • Updated autocomplete attribute to use new-password to prevent browser autocompletion of other fields.

GP Live Preview (v1.6.11)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.63)

  • Fixed issue where focus-trap could throw errors on some themes, preventing modal initialization.

GP Pay Per Word (v1.2.2)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Populate Anything (v2.1.10)

  • Fixed an issue where radio choices with a value of 0 were treated as blank when referenced using a Live Merge Tag.

GP Post Content Merge Tags (v1.3.15)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Preview Submission (v1.3.19)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Price Range (v1.2.3)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Read Only (v1.9.24)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP Unique ID (v1.5.13)

  • Updated prefix and suffix field settings tooltips.

GP Word Count (v1.6.5)

  • Improved compatibility with Populate Anything by reinitializing word counts after applicable fields are dynamically refreshed.
  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

Gravity Connect

GC Google Sheets (v1.3.6)

  • Added support to reset spreadsheet row metadata.
  • Fixed issue where newly added Google accounts were not showing in plugin settings until the page was refreshed.
  • Gravity Connect Framework: Updated package to resolve error when manually processing feeds.

GC OpenAI (v1.0-beta-1.5)

  • Added namespacing to Guzzle (3rd party HTTP library) to prevent conflicts with other plugins.

Gravity Shop

GS Product Configurator (v1.0-beta-2.18)

Free Plugins

Gravity Forms OpenAI (v1.0-beta-1.14)

  • Updated plugin name and menu title to disambiguate from GC OpenAI.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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