Gravity Wiz Weekly 252

Our Gravity Forms Snippet Library has reached a monumental milestone: 1000 PRs. Come celebrate with us in issue 252!

Greetings, adventurers!

I had my first proper snow day in years here in Virginia Beach. I took the morning off to play in the fresh powder with my kiddos and it was truly the highlight of my week. I was so tuckered out by lunch time, I fell asleep on the couch. 😂

It was a good reminder that as much as I love to work hard, having the opportunity to play hard is what makes all the hard work worth it. ☃️

Let’s play!

GP File Upload Pro 1.5: HEIC Support is Here!

So I’ve been pronouncing this file format like “hike” forever. Today I learned you’re just supposed to say each letter of the acronym (like PNG). BORINGGG. I’ll be sticking with “hike”. Who’s with me!?

Anywho, I’m ridiculously excited that File Upload Pro can now accept HEIC files! Each time this feature request has come up, it hurt my heart that we didn’t support this. At long last, my heart shall ache no more! ❤️

As of version 1.5, File Upload Pro will automatically convert HEIC files to JPG (just like WordPress) with full support for cropping, resizing, and rotating.

This gives you images that are universally supported across all browsers, devices, and operating systems. Compatibility is one of our favorite words at Gravity Wiz. 😄

Snippet Library Milestone: 1000 PRs of Power

We are so so proud of our Snippet Library. 😊

What started as a few hundred personal gists has grown into the largest library of Gravity Forms snippets on the web.

Last week, we submitted (and merged) our 1000th PR to the Snippet Library. 🤯

It is a true testament to our commitment, not only to continue adding helpful snippets, but also to maintain all of the existing snippets for future generations (er, versions?) of Gravity Forms.

PS – If you’re curious, here’s the 1st PR. 😁

Spotlight: Big Picture Building with GP Live Preview

“Doing it live” has never looked better—just ask SD. This Gravity Wiz aficionado oversees two WordPress sites and consults on another two. With three of them already powered by Gravity Wiz (and the last one on its way), SD swears by GP Live Preview to bring his Gravity Forms visions to life.

New Snippet: Limit Likert Columns to Single Selection

So what was that 1000th PR all about? Oh, just this sweet little snippet that limits each column in a Likert field to a single selection.

A Pro customer wanted to use a Likert field (powered by GF’s Survey add-on) to let students indicate which weeks in order of preference they’d like to take a course. But the Likert field would allow the students to select each week as their 1st preference.

New snippet to the rescue!

New Instruction Video: Send Manual Notifications

Gravity Forms can send notifications for a variety of form-and-entry-related events. When the form is submitted, when a user is activated, when a payment is completed.

But what if you want to just send a notification manually? Of course, GP Email Users is the easiest way to do that, but if you’re not ready to pick up a Gravity Perks license just yet, we have a free snippet that will register a “Send Manually” notification event. This event lets you choose the exact moment to send that notification and to whom.

This week, we added a new instruction video to help you get a jumpstart with this snippet. Join our Senior Support Wizard, Samuel, for a crash course on sending notifications manually.

Product Updates

Gravity Perks

GP File Upload Pro (v1.5)

  • Added support for previewing and cropping HEIC files.

GP Nested Forms (v1.2.1)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity Forms Conversational Forms.
  • Fixed an issue with Edit Delete, and Duplicate buttons showing as disabled with form setups hiding/showing Nested Form fields using conditional logic and calculations.

GP Notification Scheduler (v1.3.13)

  • Updated the skipped statuses on scheduled notification sends from only spam to spamtrash, and gv-revision. gpns_statuses_to_skip_on_send has been introduced as a part of this change.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0.36)

  • Improved behavior when switching which input is focused on mobile devices.

Gravity Shop

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta2.26)

  • Improved integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
  • Improved support for using Product Configurator forms in Elementor Popups.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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