New: Gravity Connect OpenAI

GC OpenAI lets you enhance your forms with the magic of AI, whether that be using text, audio, or image generation. It’s up to 40% off until tomorrow!

Quick catchup: GC OpenAI started as GF OpenAI, a fun experiment we (Clay) built and provided for free on our website. It was our first foray into the world of AI, and revealed a lot about how our users make use of such strange magic. 

Over the last year, we’ve gathered countless use cases. We’ve seen the exceptional tools that our users have built. With all the intel provided by you, we got back to work.

We recently released a fresh, reimagined take on this Gravity Forms OpenAI integration — let’s talk about it! 🎊

Meet Gravity Connect OpenAI

Gravity Connect OpenAI lets you enhance your forms with the magic of AI, whether that be using text, audio, or image generation. It’s easy to interact with the latest models directly through your forms, either once a form has been submitted or in real time as it’s being filled out.

Generate and transform text, analyze entries

Build forms that craft AI text in a snap! Guide users by asking for key information and ideas, combine their input with pre-defined form fields, and apply specific parameters to customize AI text generation. With this blend of user input and predefined constraints, you can create inspired custom text generation tools that work like magic.

Example: build an idea generation tool.

idea generation tool built with gravity connect openai

In addition, you can leverage any model to analyze submitted entries and edit or rewrite them. Utilize different endpoints, like Moderations, to analyze submitted text and moderate content.

Turn sound into words (and words into sound)

Build form-based tools that turn spoken word into transcripts (a la Whisper) or generate audio from text within your forms. Bonus: add additional form steps and translate those words to another language at another stage in between. Speak, write, understand!

Gravity-Forms-powered specialized assistants

The Assistants endpoint helps users automate with specialized intelligence, handling specific tasks through support for OpenAI’s tools. Build customized solutions for answering questions, providing recommendations, or performing custom actions on behalf of your users. 

Example: a virtual assistant that helps with meal planning based on dietary preferences or health conditions.

Visualize anything with image generation 

GC OpenAI’s DALL·E support makes for easy image generation via Gravity Forms, and powerful image generation tools for your users. Create visualizations for products, or branding assets like logos. Get rough vibe-check design outlines from your customers, mock-up social media ideas, and more.

Dall-e image generation examples with gravity connect openai

Step into the future, wizard! And do it for 40% off. 😉

GC OpenAI is ready to bring you, and your forms, into the future! Gravity Connect does not bill you based on integration data usage, unlike some competitors. The only data-based charges you face come from OpenAI’s API.

GC OpenAI is available now, and we’re offering up to 40% off until tomorrow!

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 10% off Gravity Connect Basic
  • 20% off Gravity Connect Advanced
  • 40% off Gravity Connect Pro

Just use GCLaunch at checkout. 😉

Sale ends September 11th, 2024.


  1. simon
    simon September 10, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    Looks awesome, GW team! Is it possible for a user to submit an image and have OpenAI generate a description of the image, which is then entered into a text box field?

    1. Matt Andrews
      Matt Andrews Staff September 11, 2024 at 5:47 am

      Hi Simon,

      It’s not currently possible to send an image to OpenAI for it to analyze, but I’ll ping our product manager so we can get your vote added to the feature request we have for this.


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