Tag: gp advanced select

Gravity Wiz Weekly 227

See Populate Anything in action with a new spotlight and a live workshop! Plus, Feed Forge goodness and persistent user-added choices with Advanced Select.

Gravity Wiz Weekly 220

Better inline confirmations, Advanced Select + Gravity Flow, conditional logic for Checkbox inventory, filtering by Date Drop Down fields, and other tasty treats.

Gravity Wiz Weekly 218

Improved cart editing for Product Configurator, recurring schedules with Notification Scheduler, optimizing user journeys with Multi-page Navigation, and more!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 217

Explore or new website with us! This one’s a decade in the making. Plus, new blocks for Entry Blocks and custom choice labels with Advanced Select.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 215

Conditional Pricing 2.0 is here! Plus, Populate Anything and Gravity Flow integrations, use cases for GP Google Sheets, filter terms by depth, and plenty more.

advanced select 1.1 summary release

New: Gravity Forms Advanced Select 1.1

Gravity Forms Advanced Select heeds your calls for more flexible and performant select fields. Version 1.1 puts extensibility front and center.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 210

Partial entries for Entry Blocks. GPT-4 Turbo. Raffle winners. Set readonly on edit. Clear searches after selection. And so. much. more!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #204

Discounted access to the Live Summary plugin. Granular spreadsheet filtering with Google Sheets & Populate Anything. Live Q&A October 12th. And of course, a handful of fresh snippets.

cover creative how to dynamically populate drop down fields in gravity forms

How to Dynamically Populate Drop Down Fields in Gravity Forms

Learn how to dynamically populate Drop Down fields in Gravity Forms with users, form entries, database tables, and more!

populate database data into gravity forms cover

How to Populate Database Data into Gravity Forms

Learn how to populate database data anywhere in Gravity Forms directly from the WordPress database — and by extension, custom databases, ACF Repeater Fields, WooCommerce, and more.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 199

Advanced Select 1.0 arrives. Plus, new features for Product Configurator, hidden Gravity Forms gems, and powerful Advanced Merge Tags tricks.

sarching through the world's music with gravity forms advanced select

AlbumBlitz: Searching Through the World’s Music with Advanced Select

Elle Dulaney is cataloging the world’s music in one place. With 40,000 albums already, she turned to Advanced Select to make them searchable.

Introducing Advanced Select 1.0

1.0 comes with more granular control, support for Gravity Forms’ Theme Framework, new field types, and more.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 196

Q2 Recap! Plus, new features for Advanced Select, Google Sheets, and Limit Dates, important reminders, a handful of snippets, and a quick tutorial.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly 194

Thanks to your feedback, we have some new features for Advanced Select. Plus, eCommerce Fields use cases, and a bag of treats for your favorite perks.