Gravity Wiz Weekly #141

New ways to export Nested Forms, column sorting & new integrations for Entry Blocks, and require min or max characters on any Gravity Forms field.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

We’ve worked hard to keep this streak,
Fresh updates for you week by week.
Features and fixes and tweak after tweak,
Gravity Wiz Weekly has all that you seek!

Shall we? 😄

Expert Exports for Nested Forms 🪄

Nested Forms allows you to collect and process complex repeatable data. When exporting that data, it outputs the parent entry data followed by a row for each associated child entry.

export nested forms child entries

This week, we added support for including parent entry data on each child entry row. This can make it much easier to filter child entry data in the resulting CSV based on data from its parent.

export child entries and parent entries in nested forms

If you only need child entries (with their respective parent data), you can exclude the parent entry row from being exported as well.

exclude the parent entry row in nested forms exports

When it comes to your data, you’re the expert. Thank you for all the feedback on your exporting requirements. 

Curious about other ways Nested Forms can be tailored to your needs?

Entry Blocks – Column Sorting & New Integrations

When you need an easy, reliable way to display Gravity Forms data on the frontend, our up-and-coming perk, Entry Blocks, has the perfect solution. Say hello to the Entries Table block. 👋

gravity forms entry blocks data sorting

This week, we added support for column sorting! Click on any column to sort by ascending. Click again for descending and a third time to restore the default sort.

A few other updates and integrations worth mentioning:

  • Nested Forms support has been improved with an update to how Nested Form fields are displayed within Entry Blocks.
  • Editing entries with Multi File Upload fields is now supported – works flawlessly with File Upload Pro too!
  • Entries “deleted” via Entry Blocks are now trashed instead of permanently deleted. Reinstate permanent deletion with the gpeb_delete_entry_permanently filter.

Spotlight: Hallo 👋 from Holland

Did you know we have thousands of Gravity Perks users worldwide? We have a particularly large contingent of wizards located in the Netherlands. We love our Dutch wizards. 

Jeen Kersten from Groeier recently reached out to us with some kind words that we couldn’t help but share. They truly mean the world to us and motivate us to do our best work! 

“I have been using Gravity Forms and Gravity Perks for a few years now and Gravity Forms itself is the best form plugin there is (my opinion). But the basics of GF aren’t enough for the wishes me and my customers have.

Years ago I started with modifications made by GF but it wasn’t enough and then GP came to my attention. It was a match made in heaven. 😊 Not only do the perks pack and the snippets make my life as a developer a lot easier, but the customer service is always above expectations.

Fast, friendly, and with a good working answer to come further with my project. Keep up the good work! You can be proud of what you have accomplished over the past years!”

Heel erg bedankt (thank you very much), Jeen.

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Rename Uploaded Files — Generate descriptive filenames or organize files into custom folders based on details from the submitted data. This week, we fixed an issue where files were renamed again on edit if multiple instances of the snippet were configured.

Require Min/Max Character Count on Any Field — Gravity Forms supports a max character count on Single Line Text and Paragraph fields, but what if you need to set a minimum character count? Or a maximum character count on any other field type? Where there’s a wizard, there’s a way!

Copy Values to Conditionally Hidden FieldsCopy Cat, the handiest of perks, saves your users gobs of time (and possibly carpal tunnel) by copying values from one field to another. 

Imagine a scenario where a parent is registering their three children for camp. They must specify an emergency contact for each child. It just so happens that all three children have the same emergency contact.

Rather than having the user tediously enter the same name, phone number, and email address for each set of emergency contact fields, use Copy Cat to copy the values with the click of a checkbox. To reduce the visual complexity of the form, you could hide the additional fields when the checkbox is checked and use this snippet to ensure the values are copied on submission.

Gravity Perks

GP Better User Activation (v1.2.7)

  • Improved internationalization by adding “Activation Key Required” as a translatable string.

GP Conditional Logic Dates (v1.2.2)

  • Fixed issue where conditional logic date/time rules for the Next Button wouldn’t reliably save.

GP eCommerce Fields (v1.2.9)

  • Removed unneeded filter on gform_ppcp_discount_total for the PayPal Checkout add-on if using PayPal Checkout 2.2.1 or newer.

GP Entry Blocks (v1.0-alpha-1.2)

  • Added new toggle to Summary Columns in the Entries Table block to allow sorting.
  • Added new gpeb_before_render_block and gpeb_after_render_block PHP actions.
  • Improved the delete link by defaulting to trashing entries instead of deleting permanently. The gpeb_delete_entry_permanently PHP filter can be used to filter whether or not entries should be deleted immediately.
  • Improved compatibility with GP Nested Forms by using the simple template when displayed in the Entries Table block.
  • Updated handling of multi-file uploads when editing to further improve compatibility with File Upload Pro.
  • Updated remaining non-i18n’d strings to be internationalized.
  • Fixed issue where the bottom border of the Entries Table block header was not showing if using the stripes style.
  • Fixed issue where columns in the Entries Table block with no designated custom label were showing a blank value rather than the default label.
  • Fixed regression with delete link not using a confirmation dialog after i18n.
  • Fixed issue where the text domain was not being loaded.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.3.1)

  • Improved compatibility Gravity Forms 2.6’s new AJAX saving.

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-2.7)

  • Improved compatibility Gravity Forms 2.6’s new AJAX saving.
  • Fixed issue where dates would not be disabled if using GP Limit Dates and all of a choice-based product’s choices were exhausted for the specified date.

GP Nested Forms (v1.0.10)

GP Populate Anything (v1.2.6)

  • Fixed styling of Gravity Forms merge tag buttons in custom filter/template inputs.
  • Improved compatibility Gravity Forms 2.6’s new AJAX saving.

GP Post Content Merge Tags (v1.3.5)

  • Fixed issue where added merge tags would immediately be removed when moving focus from the inserted merge tag.

Alright wizards, until next week. 🧙‍♂️


  1. Adnaan Qureshi
    Adnaan Qureshi March 29, 2022 at 1:43 pm

    how does these gpnf filters work with GV export ? or are they only compatible with native gravity form exports ?

    1. Dario Space
      Dario Space March 29, 2022 at 1:50 pm

      Hi Adnaan,

      This currently only works with Gravity Forms native export functionality.


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