Gravity Wiz Weekly 241

Advanced Phone Field 1.1 is here. Plus, watch a video on customizing the user activation page, read a fresh spotlight, and register for our next workshop. 😄

gravity wiz weekly 240 cover

Greetings, wizards!

Fall officially lands this weekend for us Northerners (hemispherically speaking). I can’t wait to don my autumnal robes (aka hoodies) and watch the leaves change colors. 🍂

For our South Hemispherian patrons, enjoy a well-earned spring. 🌱

Whether you’re prepping for fun fall festivities or fresh spring projects, this week’s updates will keep your forms ready for any weather. ☂️

New: Advanced Phone Field 1.1

Our popular Advanced Phone Field perk received a beefy upgrade this week. We’ve migrated from v18 to v24 of the sacred International Telephone Input library which brings with it many blessings. You’ll find two key highlights:

  1. A much sleeker interface. 🤤
  2. Improved accuracy for phone number validation. ✅

Here’s a quick look at the before and after.

There are some subtle changes to the UX but I think you’ll find they’re all for the better.

Spotlight: MNL’s Plant Calculator 🤝 Rounding By Increments

Did you know that in the world of ecological restoration… planting is a numbers game? When MNL’s customers are looking to purchase plants to restore a landscape, the right number of plants is important for a successful revival. How many plants should be purchased? Overcrowding can strain the soil, while under-planting leaves gaps in the ecosystem. 

Jennifer Strumbel worked with MNL to build a plant calculator with the help of our free Rounding by Increments plugin and GP Advanced Calculations. We took a look at what’s under the hood.

Workshop: The Notion Connection

gravity forms notion workshop

So you’ve heard about Gravity Connect and you know about all of our connections… but do you know just how much these connections can empower your workflows?

Sounds like the perfect subject to explore in a workshop. 😄

Join us October 3rd at 1pm for a wizard-guided tour of the Notion Connection. We’ll show you how this powerful tool works, demo real-world use cases, and answer all your questions too!

Sorcerous Resources

Important: Snippet Library + PHP 8.2

We’ve done a major update to the Snippet Library for PHP 8.2 compatibility. If your hosting provider has recently upgraded to PHP 8.2, be sure to review the updated snippet list. If you’re using any of the impacted snippets, make sure to update them promptly.

Community Highlight: Populate Image Choices from Entries

Our friends at JetSloth published an excellent article demonstrating how easy it is to populate images from submitted entries as choices with the power of our Populate Anything perk and their Image Choices addon.

New Video: Customize Your User Activation Page

Welcome back to our video series about using Gravity Forms’ User Registration add-on and Better User Activation to improve the user experience of your WordPress user registration flows.

This week, we’re covering how to customize your user activation page to keep it consistent with your brand and optimize it for your specific user flow.

Product Updates

Gravity Perks

GP Advanced Phone Field (v1.1)

  • Improved validation accuracy after submission by updating libphonenumber-for-php to 8.13.45.
  • Updated intl-tel-input to version 24.5, improving validation and formatting accuracy on the frontend.
  • Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.84)

  • Fixed compatibility issue with GF Image Choices where choices in a target field with images could still show as selected when new choices are selected.

GP Entry Blocks (v1.0-beta-1.11)

  • Fixed issue with checkbox fields containing preselected choices—but all choices unselected in an entry—showing the preselected choices as checked rather than none when editing the entry with the Edit Form block.

GP Expand Textareas (v1.1.3)

  • Fixed issue where perk settings were not appearing after converting to GP_Plugin.

GP Limit Dates (v1.1.27)

GP Multi-Page Navigation (v1.2.11)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with GP Limit Checkboxes.

Gravity Shop

GS Product Configurator (v1.0-beta-2.19)

  • Added frontend listener for WooCommerce Bookings to update the base product price in the form when dates/times are selected.
  • Updated the cart item edit link to not show for products with a hidden visibility.


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