Gravity Wiz Weekly #94

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

If you haven’t been hiding up in your towers, you’ve probably heard that Gravity Forms has released Gravity Forms 2.5 Beta 1. Exciting times! We’re working with wizardly fervor to get Gravity Perks fully compatible by Beta 2. ⚡️

In other news, our friends at Gravity PDF have released a new version and it includes support for Populate Anything’s Live Merge Tags. Check out the full release notes here.

For all your regularly scheduled updates, read on. ?


Rename Uploaded Files For Gravity Forms
Create a naming template for your uploaded files. We’ve recently improved support for non-latin characters.

How To Build a Curbside Pickup Form
We’ve updated the Field Groups snippet that powers this tutorial to work when limits were applied to Radio Button fields.

Add a Child Entry on Trigger with Nested Forms
Auto-add a child entry to a Nested Form field, created with data from your parent form. This is useful when wanting to include the primary registrant as one of the child registrants in the Nested Form field.

Gravity Perks

GP Better User Activation (v1.1.11)

  • Updated {gpbua:password} merge tag to work better with the security enhancements in GF User Registration 4.5 and newer. It will now show a link with “Set your password.” as the text if the password is e-mailed. Otherwise, it will show “Set at registration.” if the password is mapped to a field.

GP Conditional Pricing (v1.2.41)

  • Improved UI of conditional prices in the Form Settings when using Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer.

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.25)

  • Fixed an issue where clearing copied values would fail for checkboxes.

GP Limited Dates (v1.0.22)

GP Media Library (v1.2.12)

GP Multi-Page Navigation (v1.0.8)

  • Fixed issue where GF Multi-Page Navigation settings would not show in the Page settings when using Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer.

GP Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.59)

  • Added slight debounce to files watcher to eliminate flash of files that goes beyond the max.
  • Fixed styling issue in some themes where drop area would be resized when dragging a file over it hid the Select Files button.

GP Pay Per Word (v1.1.61)

  • Fixed an issue where prices in Euro would be displayed incorrectly. (#1)

GP Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.74)

  • Added debug log entries via Gravity Forms Logging if Live Merge Tags are not whitelisted.
  • Added new “is in” and “is not in” operators that are available to properties in the “Post Taxonomies” group in the Post object type.
  • Added “Date Created” and “Date Updated” as available properties in the Gravity Forms Entry object type.
  • Added gppa_loading_field_target_meta filter to be applied when loading data for a GPPA-enabled field.
  • Added support for “is in” and “is not in” operators to Meta properties in the Taxonomy Object Type.
  • Updated the “Special Values” option group to be at the top of the property value select for filters. In addition, “Add Custom Value” has been moved into the “Special Values” option group to reduce the need of scrolling.
  • Updated the filter property value select to not show property values if there are more than 1,000 property values. In most of these situations a form field value or a special value is likely to be used. To override the 1,000 max, the gppa_max_property_values_in_editor PHP filter can be utilized.
  • Fixed notice generated when fetching default values for Single and Calculated Products.
  • Fixed an issue where LMTs would stop working if date format is missing. (#48)
  • Fixed an issue where LMTs would not populate paragraph fields correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where LMTs would not populate paragraph fields correctly.
  • Fixed issue where date fields could not be used as Form Field Values in filters.
  • Fixed issue where date comparisons using formats like d/m/y would not work with the Gravity Forms Entry Object Type.
  • Fixed an issue where Dropdowns with LMTs may not store the entered value.
  • Fixed issue where “is in” and “is not in” operators would show for properties that do not support them.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented placeholders from showing on some dropdowns.

GP Reload Form (v1.1.18)

  • Updated plugin author.
  • Fixed issue where {reload_form} merge tag was not visible in the Confirmation Message merge tag selector in Gravity Forms 2.5. (#2)

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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