Gravity Wiz Weekly 229

Populate Anything 2.1 🀝 React, support for GPT-4o with Gravity Forms OpenAI, watch our live workshop on Populate Anything, and more!

Greetings, wizards!

Lots of magical things to share with you this week. A new version of Populate Anything, access to GPT-4o in Gravity Forms, and a recap of one of our beefiest workshops to date – these are just a few of the many highlights you’ll find in today’s edition!

Let’s explore!

Populate Anything 2.1

We’re not afraid to go against the grain but we’re always looking for opportunities to better align ourselves with our community. Populate Anything 2.1 says goodbye to Vue and hello to React, used by both WordPress and Gravity Forms.

This move also comes with some housekeeping and future-proofing that will keep Populate Anything sailing smoothly (and efficiently) for years to come.

Read the full release post for some deeper insights into why this release is important and a little bonus improvement we discovered along the way. πŸ˜„

Highlights of the Week

Gravity Forms OpenAI: GPT-4o is here!

Connect Gravity Forms with the unrivaled power and intelligence of AI.

The GPT-4o hype train is real. It’s faster, it’s cheaper, and it’s just plain better than any of its predecessors.

Put this new model to work with your Gravity Forms data with our free GF OpenAI plugin. And, stay tuned for updates on our upcoming premium version. πŸ˜‰

Advanced Calculations Gets Triggered

Perform advanced calculations with mathematical functions, conditionals, and a powerful formula editor.

And by triggered, I mean trigonometry. Obviously. πŸ€“

We’ve added support for all sorts of trigonometric functions like sin, tan, asin, acos, and atan. If you’re looking for a sine to go off on a tangent this afternoon, you can even add your own functions with the new gpac_functions filters!

Beautiful, Beautiful Page Transitions

Bring your forms to life with animated transitions between form pages and automatic page progression.

We fixed a little conflict with JetSloth’s Image Choices plugin this week and it reminded me of how gorgeous these two plugins look together. See for yourself!

Workshop X: Populate Anything

Another workshop in the books! This was our longest and likely most epic workshop ever. Chat was poppin’ off with tons of great questions. I couldn’t resist spinning up several impromptu demos to help answer them. πŸ˜„

If you weren’t able to join us live or just want to catch up on the firehose of information we unloaded, check out the recording here!

Can’t wait for our next workshop!

Resources & Mentions

Honor Minimum Height or Width (with File Upload Pro)

So you’re accepting image uploads for a gallery and you want to ensure the image is at least 1200px wide – or – 1200px tall. Last week, we added a new filter to File Upload Pro to make logic like this possible.

Here’s a little snippet that you can use to implement that exact scenario today!

GravityPDF + Nested Forms

The GravityPDF team continue to impress me with their consistent delivery of fresh functionality each week! I’m starting to think they might be wizards too. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

They recently released Core Booster 2.1 with some tight support for Nested Forms including the ability to reorder child fields in the generated PDF as well as 3 unique layout options for displaying Nested Form field data in your PDFs.

Podcast: Dave Chats About Print Marketing

Scott holding a spread of Gravity Perks playing cards.

Felt a little weird writing that headline in third person… πŸ˜…

But yeah, I joined Matt Medeiros on the Gravity Forms Breakdown podcast to talk about the various forms of print marketing we do. It was a fun conversation!

Product Updates

GF OpenAI (1.0-beta-1.11)

  • Added GPT-4o chat completions model.

GP Advanced Calculations (v1.0.21)

  • Added new gpac_functions PHP and JavaScript filter hooks for adding custom functions.
  • Added trigonometric functions: sincostanasinacosatan.

GP Advanced Select (v1.1.7)

  • Fixed issue where Lazy Load setting with Dynamic Values did not render field values on Entry Detail Edit page.

GP Blocklist (v1.3.8)

GP Conditional Pricing (v2.0.8)

  • Improved compatibility with the GF Conversational Forms Add-on.

GP Easy Passthrough (v1.9.30)

  • Removed custom settings messages for consistency with other feed-based perks.

GP Entry Blocks (1.0-beta-1.4)

  • Added new gpeb_filter_field_filter_choicesPHP filter hook to enable experimental functionality that only show choices that are present in entries that match the Entries block filters.
  • Fixed an issue with Populate Anything where values could get cached during the display of entries. This could impact forms being displayed on the same page that their entries are.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.3.18)

  • Fixed cropping issue when max canvas size limit was reached on iOS Devices.

GP Google Sheets (v1.1.17)

  • Added support for GP Populate Anything 2.1’s new React-based field settings.
  • Fixed issue where the field map cache would not be properly flushed when adding/deleting columns in feed settings.

GP Multi Page Navigation (v1.2.9)

  • Fixed broken documentation link.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0.28)

  • Fixed a PHP warning that could occur if accessing a form preview for a form that no longer exists.
  • Fixed issue where click events would be suppressed in some situations and create a frustrating experience. This resolves an issue with GF Image Choices.
  • Removed unneeded PHP dependency.

GP Populate Anything (v2.1)

  • Refactored the Populate Anything Form Editor JS from Vue to React.
  • Fixed additional issue where some fields may not get their data transferred with Gravity Flow Form Connector’s Form Submission workflow step. This mostly concerned non-dynamic fields.

GP Unique ID (v1.5.9)

  • Fixed issue where Unique ID field values were regenerated after payment was completed.
  • Fixed issue where Unique ID field values were regenerated for entry revisions created by GravityRevisions.

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