Gravity Wiz Weekly 203

A major release for a major perk, our next Wizarding Workshop, and why Gravity PDF’s Invoices 2.0 and eCommerce Fields are a power couple.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards! 

This week’s edition has it all.

A new major version of a very popular perk. Our first workshop in far too long. A short love story about Perks and PDFs. And, of course, a selection of our finest highlights from the changelog.

Shall we? 💃

New: GP Google Sheets 1.0

TL;DR: GP Google Sheets is the most robust solution for sending Gravity Forms data to (and pulling data from) Google Sheets. GPGS 1.0 brings improved speed, stability, and total authentication clarity.

gravity forms google sheet example

Still need convincing to read the full release? How about…

  • An optimized authentication schema and management. Sounds boring but you’ll love it.
  • Faster sheet selection. Less clicks. More fun.
  • Improved speed when populating spreadsheet data into your forms. Um? YAS!
  • Improved logging and automated testing. Maximum stability.

Ugh. You’re still not convinced!? Well, how about the fact that this plugin can save you hundreds (if not thousands) of gold coins by ditching Zapier?

Aha! Now I have your attention. 😉

Wizarding Workshop: The Q&A Session

You all have been asking for a dedicated Q&A session since our first workshop. Well, the time has come!

gravity forms workshop live q&a cover creative

Join us Thursday, October 12th at 1pm for a 30-minute session dedicated to your most delicious Gravity Forms and Gravity Perks questions. We will be taking questions live, of course, but be sure to pre-submit a question when you register so we can hit the ground running.

If you’re hankering for a casual, ultra informative hangout with some of the top Gravity Forms experts in the galaxy, you do not want to miss this one. 🧙‍♂️

eCommerce Fields + Invoices = Power Couple

The team at Gravity PDF have just released Invoices 2.0, the best way to generate PDF invoices with Gravity Forms, and now, with Gravity Perks too!

gravitypdf's invoices 2.0 features

With full support for GP eCommerce Fields, including the ever-flexible Tax and Discount fields, these two are practically married. Here’s what Gravity PDF had to say after the ceremony:

You can enhance your forms with Gravity Perks eCommerce Fields, Conditional Pricing, Inventory, Advanced Calculations, Unique ID, or Price Range perks, and the PDF invoices will happily work without issue. Yep, those wizards just keep churning out amazing Gravity Forms add-ons.

We’re smitten! And, no, not just because of the flattery.

If you do nothing else today, you owe it to yourself to watch the 2-minute highlight video. You’ll absolutely get inspired to put this beauty into action.

Highlights of the Week

GS Product Configurator

Customizable WooCommerce products powered by Gravity Forms, deeply integrated with both ecosystems — it just works.

Lots of good updates for Product Configurator this week. The two that I’m most excited about are support for Appointments for WooCommerce and a compatibility improvement for GP Google Sheets.

GP Nested Forms

A Gravity Forms repeater for simple or complex forms. Create forms within forms for better management of complex data collection. Formception!

Nested Forms is fully responsive but sometimes you might not want it to be. For example, if you have an in-person registration form that is completed on an iPad and prefer the desktop view vs the mobile view. 

With this week’s update, you can add the `gpnf-disable-responsive-table` helper class to the parent form’s CSS Class Name setting and the Nested Form field table will keep its desktop styling.

GP Date Time Calculator

Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms calculations and perform advanced date and time calculations with ease.

Both fixes we made for Date Time Calculator are edge cases but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to shine a little light on this handy perk. Calculate durations, ages, weekdays or weekend day counts, and so much more!

Product Updates

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta-1.6)

  • Added support for Appointments for WooCommerce by BookingWP.
  • Added entry values to line item meta—instead of only IDs of the associated entries—in REST responses and WooCommerce webhook payloads.
  • Fixed issues where the Add to Cart and Quantity inputs could show on the first page of a multi-page form.
  • Fixed issue where certain delayed feed add-ons such as GP Google Sheets weren’t running after orders were placed.

GP Address Autocomplete (v1.2.16)

  • Added references to map controller classes to the window object so that snippets can use them.

GP Advanced Save and Continue (v1.0.11)

  • Added gpasc_new_draft_form_path filter to allow for filtering the path used for the “Start New Draft” button.
  • Fixed issue on AJAX enabled forms where a new draft would get incorrectly saved upon form submission.

GP Date Time Calculator (1.0-beta-4.16)

  • Fixed issue where Time fields that are not filled out would use the current time (including seconds) which was not intended and could cause issues with Populate Anything.
  • Fixed issue where the {weekdays} and {weekendDays} merge tags in formulas wouldn’t work if the server timezone was greater than or equal to UTC+0.

GP Entry Blocks (1.0-alpha-2.28)

GP Google Sheets (v1.0.1)

  • Added new authentication flow/schema.
  • Added Token Health section to global settings for better token management.
  • Added should_refresh_access_token()method.
  • Improved error logging when adding entries to Google Sheets.
  • Improved feed connection error message and styling for clarity.
  • Improved UX by disabling Column Mapping section until a sheet has been selected.
  • Improved exception handling to catch all exceptions and not just those from Google’s PHP API.
  • Updated feed creation step to skip OAuth if the current user has already authenticated with Google.
  • Refactored the Google Sheets Object Type (for Populate Anything) to be more performant in both the form editor and on the frontend. As a result of this, the “Row Number” property is deprecated.
  • Fixed issue where if all columns are not provided in a feed mapping, the inserted values could be out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where Google Sheets Field Mappings would not be editable.
  • Fixed issue where failing developer metadata creation requests would cause the add entry job to be retried resulting in the entry being added to the sheet multiple times.
  • Fixed issue where OAuth-ing with Google could result in the (absolutely hilarious) message “Error connecting to Google: Successfully authenticated with Google.”
  • Fixed issue where global tokens were not being refreshed upon access like feed tokens.
  • Fixed issue where settings-global.ts was loading for feed settings.
  • Fixed regression where the Populate Anything Integration settings were not displayed.
  • Fixed issue with the “Sheet” dropdown not populating correctly for the GP Populate Anything Object Type.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.37)

  • Updated the class name to disable responsive table styling. It is now gpnf-disable-responsive-table rather than gpnf-disable-table as the latter did not make sense. 😄
  • Fixed potential PHP warning.

GP Populate Anything (v2.0.16)

  • Fixed PHP error introduced in Populate Anything 2.0.15.
  • Fixed potential PHP warning.

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  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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