Gravity Wiz Weekly 232

WordCamp Europe recap? Check. Rotate your photos with File Upload Pro? Check. Default sorting with Populate Anything? ✅ Conditional Logic for Feed Forge? Check!

Caio, wizards!

Lots to catch up on this week, so forgive me this abbreviated intro and I’ll jump right into explaining why…

WordCamp Europe ✅

Clay and I returned this week from an absolutely epic WCEU in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.

I honestly wish we had taken more pictures. It’s hard to remember to whip out the phone when you’re meeting so many awesome people and having so many engaging conversations.

We bumped into quite a few Gravity Wiz customers and got to spend some quality time with the folks behind many of the other businesses in our little Gravity Forms niche. What a rewarding adventure!

david and clay in torino for wordcamp europe

Highlights of the Week

While Clay and I were away, our band of merry wizards continued our quest to build the most robust suite of Gravity Forms products in all the land. Here are some highlights!

File Upload Pro: Rotate Your Photos

A professional file and image uploader that feels like magic.

GP File Upload Pro launched with support for automatically rotating images to their correct orientation based on the images’ meta data. This works great but in some cases, that meta data isn’t available, and it can be quite useful for the user to manually rotate images as needed.

With v1.4, File Upload Pro now supports manual rotation!

Rotation is enabled automatically when cropping is enabled. To disable, use the gpfup_cropper_options JavaScript filter hook.

Are you ready to spin your images right round, baby, right round?

Populate Anything: Default Sorting

Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values with posts, users, taxonomies, terms, Gravity Forms entries, and databases. Pretty much anything!

Populate Anything provides a number of ways to sort the results returned by its flexible filters but in some cases, you don’t actually want to sort the results. Or, to be more specific, you want to use whatever the default sorting is for the given object type.

For example, you may have manually sorted your Google Sheet and want to populate choices form your spreadsheet in that order.

This week, we added support for a “Default” sort option that will simply return the results in their default order.

default sorting example with populate anything

Feed Forge + Conditional Logic

Bulk process feeds for existing Gravity Forms entries with support for most feed-based add-ons. Unlock your existing data!

Feed Forge will now honor your feeds’ configured conditional logic by default. This means that if a given entry doesn’t match the conditional logic configured for the feed, that feed will be skipped for that entry.

If you want to ignore conditional logic when processing feeds with Feed Forge, use the new gfff_feed_condition_met filter to override feed conditional logic globally, per form, or per feed.

New Resources

Generate Static Maps with the Map Field

We’ve been wanting to explore generating static maps for GP Address Autocomplete’s Map field for a long time. This week, a customer request provided the impetus for us to dig in!

gravity forms interface generate static maps with map field

Specify the desired size and zoom and this snippet will handle the rest. Use the generated static maps in confirmations, notifications, or even PDFs!

Clear Duplicate Selections

We have a very popular snippet for preventing duplicate selections. This week, a customer wanted a slightly different take on this functionality. Instead of disabling the a value in other fields in the group when it was selected in one field, they wanted to simply clear that selection in any other field.

clear duplicate selections snippet for gravity forms example

Inline Datepickers with Gravity Forms

Next up in our Quick Tips to Perfect Your Gravity Forms Datepicker series:

Product Updates

GF Code Chest (v1.0.3)

  • Fixed issue where Code Chest overwrote 3rd-party values added via the gform_form_after_open filter. Credit: Bas Tolen

GF Feed Forge (v1.0.2)

  • Added a check for feed conditions prior to processing feeds. This check can be filtered using the gfff_feed_condition_met PHP filter hook.

GS Product Configurator (v1.0-beta-2.11)

  • Added order_item and addon arguments to gspc_order_item_meta filter hook.
  • Refactored the custom MySQL table creation logic to use the upgrade() method provided by the Gravity Forms add-on API. This should resolve potential table not found errors if using WordPress multisite.
  • Fixed issue where cart item editing could load the value of number fields with periods as decimals instead of commas.
  • Fixed an issue where validation schedule or entry limit message is not displayed.

GP Advanced Calculations (v1.0.22)

  • Fixed JavaScript error in the form editor if using Firefox that could cause the merge tag selector to not initialize.

GP Easy Passthrough (v1.9.32)

  • Fixed issue with Easy Passthrough’s icon not displaying correctly if using Safari.

GP Entry Blocks (v1.0-beta-1.5)

  • Updated Edit_Form::prepare_entry_for_population() method to bring in the latest population logic from other perks such as GP Nested Forms.
  • Fixed issue where the current entry being edited wouldn’t be passed to GP Populate Anything in some situations.

GP File Renamer (v1.0.8)

  • Fixed issue where existing files uploaded before the current month/year were not correctly renamed.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.4)

  • Added support for rotating images using the user-facing cropper/editor. Rotating can be disabled using the gpfup_cropper_options JavaScript filter hook.
  • Fixed issue where warning icon was misaligned.

GP Google Sheets (v1.1.18)

  • Fixed issue with Google Sheets’ icon not displaying correctly if using Safari.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0.29)

  • Fixed issue where fields refreshed by Populate Anything would not trigger auto progression if enabled.

GP Populate Anything (v2.1.3)

  • Added ability to disable ordering of objects in the form editor.
  • Fixed PHP warning that could be encountered when using a Multi-Select Field as a Field Value Object pulling from Gravity Forms entries. This could impact downstream population.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags in checkable choices wouldn’t be replaced with the current entry with integrations such as GP Entry Blocks.
  • Fixed issue where dynamic value population of number fields with decimals as commas would be incorrectly formatted using periods as decimals.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags referencing Checkbox fields in field labels could result in a PHP warning.

GP Randomizer (v2.0.3)

  • Fixed issue with Randomizer icon not displaying correctly on Safari.

GP Unique ID (v1.5.10)

  • Fixed issue where conditionally hidden Unique ID field failed to generate delayed payment notifications.


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  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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