Gravity Wiz Weekly 237

We have a new home page! Plus, conditional improvements for Advanced Calculations, hide expired Nested Forms fields, and how to add a full page spinner overlay to your forms.

Greetings, wizards!

You were sorely missed. I took a short respite to rest and visit with friends and family, but I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide. After six months of tireless toil, our great endeavor has nearly come to fruition.

Read on, dear friends, for I have much to share. 🧙‍♂️

PS – Yes, I was listening to ambient music from Lord of the Rings when I wrote this intro. 😂

Home Suite Home

gravity wiz home page new

ICYMI, we launched a new home page with one goal: helping you discover even more ways Gravity Wiz can help you make magic with Gravity Forms!

Our old home page was all about Gravity Perks (and had been for the last decade). Our new home page spreads the love across all of our product offerings, including the upcoming Gravity Connect suite.

Gravity Connect is dedicated to creating deep integrations (aka connections) between Gravity Forms and best-in-class services like OpenAI, Notion, and Google Sheets. And it’s almost here!

For now, go check out the new home page, discover Gravity Perks’ new landing page, and explore our updated navigation.

Highlights of the Week

Advanced Calculations: Conditional Improvements

Perform advanced calculations with mathematical functions, conditionals, and a powerful formula editor.

GP Advanced Calculations (GPAC) v1.1 introduced support for text-based conditions in your Gravity Forms formulas. Previously, GPAC only supported numeric conditions.

This week, we fixed some regressions around this new functionality. GPAC now defaults to always getting the value for choice-based fields used in formulas, matching Gravity Forms’ default behavior.

If you need to create a condition based on the label of a selected choice, use the new :choice_label modifier.

if ( {Package:1:choice_label} == 'Premium' ) :
	{Options:2} * 0.5
	{Options:2} * 0.1

Conditional Pricing: Mo Money, Less Problems

Craft complex pricing rules for your Gravity Forms products without adding extra fields. Bulk pricing, late/rush fees, early bird discounts – all made remarkably simple.

The Pricing Rules editor can now handle even more pricing rules. 🤑

Some customers experienced issues where their PHP max_input_vars configuration would be exceeded when working with a heckin’ lotta pricing rules.

We updated how pricing rules are saved so this won’t be an issue anymore!

Populate Anything: Hold Nothing Back

Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values with posts, users, taxonomies, terms, Gravity Forms entries, and databases. Pretty much anything!

We certainly didn’t hold anything back on Populate Anything this week. You can now…

  • Use {embed_url} and {embed_post} as Live Merge Tags.
  • Use a :fallback value of 0 with Live Merge Tags.
  • Populate fields on multi-page forms when GP Page Transitions’ Soft Validation and Page Conditional Logic are enabled.

What else do you want to do with Populate Anything?

Sorcerous Resources

Video Tutorial:
Conditional Pricing Based on Date

Matt from Gravity Forms published a great walkthrough demonstrating how easy it is to create date-based pricing logic for your forms.

Give it a watch and if you want Gravity Forms to publish more content like this, make sure to leave a comment on the video. 💬

How To:
Add a Full Page Spinner Overlay to Gravity Forms

Wanna learn how to add a full page spinner overlay to Gravity Forms that displays when your form is submitted? I know you do. Look how tasty the result is!

add a full page spinner overlay to gravity forms

New Snippet:
Hide Expired Nested Form Fields

Did you know you can schedule your forms? Yup, Gravity Forms supports it out of the box.

So what happens when a child form has a schedule and the form expires? Currently, the user would click the “Add Entry” button on the Nested Form field on the parent form and see the form expiration message in the Nested Forms modal.

We had a customer who requested the ability to simply hide the Nested Form field if its child form was expired. This snippet delivered the goods.

Product Updates

Gravity Perks (v2.3.9)

  • Fixed issue where notices in perk global settings were misaligned.

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta-2.16)

  • Fixed issue where add-on prices were formatted as HTML when the format was set as export. This fixes an issue where add-on prices were sent as HTML to webhooks.

GF Code Chest (v1.0.6)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented code editor scripts from loading for users with capabilities to edit Gravity Forms, but who did not have the administrator role.

GP Advanced Calculations (v1.1.2)

  • Added support for new :choice_label modifier to explicitly get the label from a choice in a formula as Advanced Calculations will default to getting the value of the choice. :label is for getting the label of the field itself.
  • Refactored calculation logic to resolve regressions including the :value modifier not being used by default as well as addressing currency-formatted numbers being treated as strings in some cases.
  • Fixed regression where currency values could be treated as strings resulting in incorrect calculations.

GP Advanced Save and Continue (v1.0.22)

  • Added new gpasc_auto_save_form_data JavaScript filter hook.
  • Fixed issue where formatting in Paragraph fields with the Rich Text Editor enabled could lose formatting when resuming drafts.

GP Better User Activation (v1.2.12)

GP Conditional Pricing (v2.0.11)

  • Improved how the Pricing Rules Editor saves data. The payload is now sent as JSON which decreases the likelihood of running into errors when saving due to max_input_vars being exceeded.
  • Fixed issue where Quantity value was not correctly fetched for Product Field’s Pricing rules in some scenarios.

GP Entry Blocks (1.0-beta-1.8)

GP Expand Editor Textareas (v1.1.2)

  • Refactored to use GP_Plugin as the base PHP class.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.4.1)

  • Added default color to the delete button. This fixes an issue where some themes may cause the delete button to not be visible.

GP Media Library (v1.2.30)

  • Improved compatibility with other plugins by leveraging wp_get_attachment_url() when saving file path meta to entries.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.61)

  • Fixed issue Gravity Flow editable fields not showing Nested Form on Approval Workflow Step.

GP Populate Anything (v2.1.7)

  • Fixed issue with {embed_url} and {embed_post} not working in Live Merge Tags when fields are refreshed dynamically.
  • Fixed an issue with population on multi-page forms using Page Transitions, Soft Validation, and Page Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed potential PHP warning when comparing dates. Additionally, the behavior of < and > with dates has been corrected.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags with a fallback of 0 would not use the fallback.
  • Fixed potential PHP warning and deprecation notice.

GP Randomizer (v2.0.5)

  • Fixed issue where pagination handling of shuffled fields was handled before shuffling rather than after which could cause validation errors.


  1. jack
    jack August 22, 2024 at 4:02 am

    hi I noticed a strange bug in plugin GP Advanced Save and Continue. When the plugin is active, when editing the form have nested form , it causes the child form to be empty.

    1. Samuel Bassah
      Samuel Bassah Staff August 26, 2024 at 8:17 am

      The Save and Continue functionality is not supported when editing entries, so I’m wondering whether you’re referring to the editing form itself or its entries? If it’s the latter, we’ll need more information on how you’re editing the entries, which is why we’ll need you to submit a ticket for this so we can assist you better.


    2. jack
      jack September 9, 2024 at 6:05 am

      Yes, this is exactly the problem that when editing the input of nested forms in Gravity View, the save and continue plugin causes the nested forms to become empty.

    3. Scott Ryer
      Scott Ryer Staff September 9, 2024 at 11:27 am

      Hi Jack,

      I’ve been unable to reproduce this issue. When editing entries view GravityView, the Nested Form fields behave correctly. I believe this will require further support to track down.

      Once you have renewed your license, submit a ticket and we’ll be happy to dig in.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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