gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #49

Hello, wizards! This is my last week in Croatia. It’s been a blast but I’m ready to come home and get back up to full …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #48

Hello, wizards! I write to you now from Split, Croatia. The weather is beautiful, the coastline is gorgeous, and the Adriatic Sea is sparkling. Life …

Introducing Gravity Perks Basic, Advanced and Pro

Way, way back in 2013, I launched Gravity Perks as a solo developer with 9 small, single-purpose perks. That was the original vision: create small, …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #47

Hello, wizards! We’re working very hard on a new redesign for the landing page. Want a little teaser? That was rhetorical. We know you do. …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #46

Hello, wizards! Gravity Forms 2.3 is here! If you need a refresher on the new features, check out our coverage here. GF 2.3 does have …

Major Bug Fix for GF Nested Forms; Potential Data Loss

We’ve just fixed a major bug in Gravity Forms Nested Forms that may result in data loss if you are affected. Orphaned child entries are …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #45

SnippetsGravity PerksHello, wizards! Hope everyone is enjoying Spring. We’re finally getting some warmer weather on the East Coast. We’ve got some existing updates for you …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #44

Hello, wizards! Gravity Forms 2.3 should be arriving any week now. If you haven’t already updated to the latest release candidate, we encourage you to …

How to Create Personalized Confirmation Pages

Finally, there is an easy way to create dynamic Gravity Forms confirmation pages for multiple forms, create permalinks for confirmation pages, and pass entry IDs anywhere. Thanks to GP Post Content Merge Tags, Gravity Forms confirmations are more powerful than ever!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #43

Hello, wizards! Welcome to April. We’ve got a host of updates and bug fixes for Gravity Perks this week including a few for our newest …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #42

Gravity PerksHello, wizards! Is it blowing anyone else’s mind that we’re already halfway through March? Only a month left for us Americans to do our …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #41

Hello, wizards! February is coming to a close. We’re well into 2018 now. This week brings another host of bug fixes and improvements to our …

Gravity Forms All Fields Template

Take complete control of the Gravity Forms {all_fields} merge tag output with this lightweight plugin.

Gravity Perks v2.0 Released

The future of well-written, well-documented, and well-supported Gravity Forms add-ons is here.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #36

Merry Christmas, wizards! I’ve just spent a wonderful Christmas morning with my family. Gift-giving, good eating, and much merrymaking. :) Now, I’m delighted to spend …