Gravity Wiz Weekly Update #26

Salutations, wizards! We’re going to try something a little different this week. Rather than only covering what we’re doing at Gravity Wiz, we want to …

Gravity Forms 2.3; Coming Soon to a WordPress Near You!

Hello, wizards! The first beta for Gravity Forms 2.3 has officially dropped. We wanted to take moment and give you a closer look at some …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #24

I’m back from my Alaskan adventure and excited to get back to work. This was primarily a maintenance week. We did add one really cool …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #23

Hello, friends! I’ve been off exploring the southern Alaskan coastline. Jordan’s been hard at work holding down the fort. This week and next week’s updates …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #22

We’ve been having a very productive week at Gravity Wiz HQ. Lots of updates and minor improvements including an update to Gravity Perks. More details …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #21

We’ll keep it short and sweet this week. We’re still working hard on Gravity Perks 2.0 and several new perks. Be on the lookout for …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #20

June has been warm and sunny but we haven’t let the good weather distract us from doing good work (though we have been enjoying the …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #19

Happy June, everyone! Hope you’re ready for a massive update. We made bug fixes and/or added new features to seven of our perks this week …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #18

Hello, friends! At Gravity Wiz, we’re committed to keeping our code compatible, not just with Gravity Forms, but also with other major third-party Gravity Forms …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #17

I’m too excited to write a big intro. Gravity Perks Better User Activation is live! Read on for more deets. Gravity Forms Better User Activation …

Gravity Forms Better User Activation v1.0 Now Available

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Gravity Forms Better User Activation plugin. Take complete control of your User Registration Activation page. Choose …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #16

We’ve got some really cool updates for you this week including a couple 3rd-party resources that were too good not to share. And don’t forget, …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #15

We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming. We’ve made a few updates to Gravity Perks core and pushed out updates and bug fixes for five …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #14

Hope everyone enjoyed some fun April Fools jokes this week! We’re still hard at work on the new Gravity Forms Better User Activation and Gravity …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #13

Almost time to say farewell to March. Let’s say farewell with an another round of Gravity Perks updates. We made some big changes to GF …