Category: Updates

Gravity Wiz Weekly #29

Oops! We missed a week. That makes this week’s just that much juicier. :) Highlights My Top 5 Gravity Perks ‘perks’ to Improve My Gravity …

Gravity Wiz Weekly #28

Hello, wizards! We had a quiet but productive week in our little East Coast castle. We’ve got several perk updates for you, a couple community …

Gravity Wiz Weekly Update #27

Hello, wizards! As many of you know, Gravity Wiz is unquestionably the #1 Gravity Forms resource in the universe. We have over 135 free published …

Gravity Wiz Weekly Update #26

Salutations, wizards! We’re going to try something a little different this week. Rather than only covering what we’re doing at Gravity Wiz, we want to …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #24

I’m back from my Alaskan adventure and excited to get back to work. This was primarily a maintenance week. We did add one really cool …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #23

Hello, friends! I’ve been off exploring the southern Alaskan coastline. Jordan’s been hard at work holding down the fort. This week and next week’s updates …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #22

We’ve been having a very productive week at Gravity Wiz HQ. Lots of updates and minor improvements including an update to Gravity Perks. More details …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #21

We’ll keep it short and sweet this week. We’re still working hard on Gravity Perks 2.0 and several new perks. Be on the lookout for …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #20

June has been warm and sunny but we haven’t let the good weather distract us from doing good work (though we have been enjoying the …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #19

Happy June, everyone! Hope you’re ready for a massive update. We made bug fixes and/or added new features to seven of our perks this week …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #18

Hello, friends! At Gravity Wiz, we’re committed to keeping our code compatible, not just with Gravity Forms, but also with other major third-party Gravity Forms …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #17

I’m too excited to write a big intro. Gravity Perks Better User Activation is live! Read on for more deets. Gravity Forms Better User Activation …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #16

We’ve got some really cool updates for you this week including a couple 3rd-party resources that were too good not to share. And don’t forget, …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #15

We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming. We’ve made a few updates to Gravity Perks core and pushed out updates and bug fixes for five …

Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #14

Hope everyone enjoyed some fun April Fools jokes this week! We’re still hard at work on the new Gravity Forms Better User Activation and Gravity …