How to Create Timesheets with Gravity Forms
Learn how to take timesheets and time tracking to the next level using Nested Forms and Date Time Calculator. Plus, calculate overtime pay, restrict entries to available weekdays only, and other tips.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #158
Introducing our 45th perk: Gravity Forms Advanced Phone Field. Plus, Row IDs for Nested Forms, a new Question of The Week, and how to replace 20 Product fields with one.

Spotlight: Netalys’ Salt Consumption Calculator
A behind-the-scenes look at how Netalys built a daily salt consumption calculator using Nested Forms and Populate Anything.

The Potent Potion Behind ZeeDesign’s Insurance Quoting Platform
Learn how you can build a quoting platform from scratch — and one that easily handles multiple checkout items using Gravity Perks.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #141
New ways to export Nested Forms, column sorting & new integrations for Entry Blocks, and require min or max characters on any Gravity Forms field.

Nested Forms 1.0 has arrived.
Five years in the making! Today, we’re excited to bring you Nested Forms 1.0. Learn about the new features we’ve released to celebrate the occasion.

Gravity Wiz Weekly 130
Gravity Forms Notification Scheduler 1.0 is here! Plus, track packaged products with Gravity Forms Inventory, and a tale of wizards with big hearts.

Gravity Wiz Weekly 129
Our Nested Forms 1.0 Release Candidate 1 is here! Plus, blazing hot updates to Copy Cat + List fields and some simply sorcerous how-to snippets.
GF Nested Forms 1.0 Release Candidate 1 — Now Live!
One of our most popular perks becomes a release candidate today. To celebrate the occasion, we’ve snuck in some powerful new features.

Gravity Wiz Weekly 126
Populate Anything now works with Survey Fields, 20 reasons to love GF Unique ID, and a simple spell for conditionally displaying Nested Forms.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #120
Gravity Forms Inventory gets powerful new features, edit forms within forms on the fly, and one spell to update hundreds of websites at a time.

Create Shareable Health And Safety Audits With Gravity Forms
Learn how to use Gravity Forms to create shareable Health and Safety audits that your technicians and auditors will love.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #117
Introducing: Address Autocomplete for Gravity Forms. Plus, GF Inventory will revolutionize how you manage your inventory.

Gravity Wiz Weekly #115
Our customers are casting seriously sorcerous spells with GF File Upload Pro. Plus, powerful performance updates to GF Nested Forms.

Calculations with Nested Forms
Perform helpful calculations based on entries submitted in a Nested Form field.