
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Source
  5. Since


Optionally disable the GPECF order summary (which replaces the default GF order summary).


Apply to all forms.

add_filter( 'gpecf_apply_custom_order_summary', '__return_true' );

Apply to a specific form.

add_filter( 'gpecf_apply_custom_order_summary_{formId}', '__return_true' );


  • enabled bool

    Whether or not the GPECF order summary is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • form array

    The current form object for which the order summary is being generated.

  • entry array

    The current entry object for which the order summary is being generated.

  • order array

    The current Order object for which the order summary is being generated.

  • format array

    The format in which the order summmary should be generated. Options are “text” and “html”. Defaults to “html”.


This filter is located in GP_Ecommerce_Fields::get_full_order_summary_markup() in class-gp-ecommerce-fields.php.


This filter is available since GP eCommerce Fields 1.0.