gpnf_modal_button_css_classes (JS)
Filter the CSS classes of buttons in the Nested Form modal.
gform.addFilter('gpnf_modal_button_css_classes', 'my_custom_function' );
buttonClasses string
CSS classes for the button
buttonType string
The button type. Will be one of the following:
, orcancel-mobile
formId int
The parent form ID.
fieldId int
The field ID of the Nested Form field.
gpnf \GPNestedForms
The current GP_Nested_Form_Field object.
Add a custom class to all buttons
gform.addFilter('gpnf_modal_button_css_classes', function(classes) {
classes += ' custom-class';
return classes;
} );
This filter is available since Gravity Forms Nested Forms 1.0-beta-10.1.
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