
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Since
  5. Examples
    1. Change template for GravityView Entry List view.


Filter the arguments that will be used to render the Nested Form field template.


Apply to all applicable fields on all forms.

add_filter( 'gpnf_template_args', 'my_custom_function' );

Apply to all applicable fields on a specific form.

add_filter( 'gpnf_template_args_FORMID', 'my_custom_function' );

Apply to a specific field on a specific form.

add_filter( 'gpnf_template_args_FORMID_FIELDID', 'my_custom_function' );


  • args array

    The following properties are passed in the $args array.

    • template string

      The template file to be rendered.

    • field GP_Field_Nested_Form

      The current Nested Form field.

    • nested_form array

      The nested form object for the current Nested Form field.

    • nested_fields array

      Any array of field objects on the nested form that will be displayed on the parent entry.

    • nested_field_ids array

      The field IDs from the nested form that will be displayed on the parent entry.

    • column_count int

      The number of columns (based on $nested_field_ids count plus one for the actions column).

    • value string

      A comma-delimited list of entry IDs that have been submitted for this Nested Form field and parent entry.

    • entries array

      An array of entries that have been submitted for this Nested Form field and parent entry.

    • add_button string

      An HTML button that allows users to load the nested form modal and add new entries to the Nested Form field.

    • add_button_message string

      HTML message that shows when the max number of entries has been met.

    • tabindex string

      The Gravity Forms tabindex string, if tabindex is enabled.

    • actions string

      An array of HTML links to be output as action items for the child entry list.

    • labels array

      An array of miscellaneous UI labels that will be used when rendering the template.

  • field GP_Field_Nested_Form

    The current Nested Form field


This filter is available since GP Nested Forms 1.0.


Change template for GravityView Entry List view.

Change the template of the Nested Form field to use the nested-entries-detail-simple template when viewed in GravityView’s Entry List view. This template will hide the View, Edit and View All Entries links that appear in the default nested-entries-detail view.

 * Gravity Perks // Nested Forms // Change Template for GravityView Entry List View
// Update "123" to your form ID and "4" to your field ID.
add_filter( 'gpnf_template_args_123_4', function ( $args, $field ) {

	if ( gravityview()->request->is_view() && ( ! gravityview()->request->is_entry() || ! gravityview()->request->is_edit_entry() ) ) {
		// Specify the template you would like to use.
		$args['template'] = 'nested-entries-detail-simple';

	return $args;
}, 10, 2 );