
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Since


Filter whether the addon quantity should be displayed in the cart and order details.


Filter whether the addon quantity should be displayed in the cart and order details for all forms and fields.

add_filter( 'gspc_show_addon_quantity', '__return_true' );

Filter whether the addon quantity should be displayed in the cart and order details for a specific form.

add_filter( 'gspc_show_addon_quantity_FORMID', '__return_true' );

Filter whether the addon quantity should be displayed in the cart and order details for a specific field.

add_filter( 'gspc_show_addon_quantity_FORMID_FIELDID', '__return_true' );


  • show_quantity bool

    Whether the addon quantity should be displayed.

  • product_field \GF_Field_Product

    The product field.

  • entry \GFEntry

    The current entry.

  • form \GFForm

    The current form.


This filter is available since Gravity Shop Product Configurator 1.0-beta-1.5.