
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Since
  5. Examples
    1. Add A Custom Choice Template
    2. Add A Custom Choice Template That is Conditionally Displayed


JavaScript filter to modify the available choice/template templates available in the Form Editor.


gform.addFilter( 'gppa_input_choice', 'my_custom_function' );


  • templateRows array

    The available template rows. Each template should have an “id” string, “label” string, “required” boolean, and “shouldShow” callback function. The “shouldShow” callback function gets two arguments, “field” object and “populate” string.

  • field object

    The current field shown in the Form Editor.

  • populate string

    What’s being populated. Either choices or values.


This JavaScript filter is available since Gravity Forms Populate Anything 1.0-beta-4.116.


Add A Custom Choice Template

Add a choice template named image. This pairs well with the gppa_input_choice PHP filter.

 * Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Add A Custom Choice Template
 * Choice templates allow you to map data to different properties of your Gravity Forms choices.
 * In this example, we demonstrate how to create a new template for a theoretical "image" choice property.
 * With this in place, you would be able to select a value in the Populate Anything choices UI that is
 * mapped to the "image" property for each choice.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', function () {
	if ( ! is_callable( 'GFCommon::is_form_editor' ) || ! GFCommon::is_form_editor() ) {
	window.gform.addFilter( 'gppa_template_rows', function (templateRows, field, populate) {
		if ( populate !== 'choices' ) {
			return templateRows;	
		templateRows.push( {
			id: 'image',
			label: 'Image',
		} );
		return templateRows;
	} );
} );

add_filter( 'gppa_input_choice', function( $choice, $field, $object, $objects ) {
	$choice['image'] = gp_populate_anything()->process_template( $field, 'image', $object, 'choices', $objects );
	return $choice;
}, 10, 4 );

Add A Custom Choice Template That is Conditionally Displayed

Add a choice template named my_fancy_id that only shows up if the custom field setting my_custom_setting is truthy.

window.gform.addFilter( 'gppa_template_rows', function ( templateRows, field, populate ) {
	if ( populate !== 'choices' ) {
		return templateRows;

	templateRows.push( {
		id: 'my_fancy_id',
		label: 'My fancy label',
        required: false,
		shouldShow: function( field, populate ) {
			if ( populate !== 'choices' ) {
				return false;

			return ! ! field['my_custom_setting'];
	} );

	return templateRows;
} );