gpnf_fetch_form_html_on_load (JS)

  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Examples
    1. Disable Automatically Loading Child Form HTML
  5. Since


JavaScript filter to modify the behavior of automatically loading Nested Form markup when the parent form is loaded.

If set to false, the child form markup will be loaded when the Add Entry button is clicked.


gform.addFilter( 'gpnf_fetch_form_html_on_load', 'my_custom_function' );


  • autoLoadChildForm boolean

    Whether or not to load child form HTML on parent form load. Default: true

  • formId int

    The parent form ID.

  • fieldId int

    The field ID of the Nested Form field.

  • gpnf \GPNestedForms

    The current GP_Nested_Form_Field object.


Disable Automatically Loading Child Form HTML

 * Gravity Perks // Nested Forms // Disable Automatically Loading Child Form HTML
 * Instructions:
 * 1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
window.gform.addFilter( 'gpnf_fetch_form_html_on_load', function() {
        return false;
} );


This JavaScript filter is available since Gravity Forms Nested Forms 1.0-beta-9.