Spotlight: Sales Automation with Notification Scheduler
See how Michelle Marin uses Gravity Forms Notification Scheduler to personalize and automate pre-sales for her agency.

Spotlight: Creating Dynamic, Customizable Quoting Forms with Jennifer Erdman
We explore how Jennifer Erdman built a quote calculator — based on highly customizable product offerings — step by step.

Spotlight: How Gravity Forms OpenAI is Helping Animals Find Fur-ever Homes
See how Derek Knox of Animal Rescue Cooperative (ARC) built a tool with Gravity Forms OpenAI that writes adoption letters for volunteers, leading to enormously paws-itive outcomes.

AlbumBlitz: Searching Through the World’s Music with Advanced Select
Elle Dulaney is cataloging the world’s music in one place. With 40,000 albums already, she turned to Advanced Select to make them searchable.

Spotlight: Entry Blocks for Conference Attendee Management at Scale
See how Henry Vandermeir used Entry Blocks to create a backend attendee management system for a Las Vegas conference of 500+ attendees.

Spotlight: Automating Membership Registration with Populate Anything
We spoke with Michelle Hayes of Remanufacturing Industries Council about how she uses Gravity Forms Populate Anything to automate new user registrations.

Spotlight: Scoped Inventory for Simplifying Complex Booking Forms
Two booking forms, separate pricing on each, and date specific pricing on each. See how Kory Richardson made this a cakewalk — and sync’d it all to one external calendar — using Gravity Forms Inventory.

Spotlight: Prompt finessing with GF OpenAI and Storybooker.AI
Storybooker.AI is using the Gravity Forms OpenAI plugin to great effect, with relatively simple prompting. So we had to investigate.

Spotlight: Populate Anything & Unique ID for Automated Referral Programs
Power tip! Chris Odell built an automated referral and rewards program with the help of Populate Anything and Unique ID. We explore how it works, step by step.

Spotlight: Gamifying Language Learning with WordTap and Populate Anything
See how WordTap uses Gravity Forms Populate Anything to help customers create and share games that make learning new languages… fun!?

Spotlight: Auto Classmate’s AI Powered Teaching Tools
See how a web dev turned 8th grade teacher is using Gravity Forms OpenAI to make his lessons more enjoyable and dynamic.

Spotlight: Building an internal payroll tool using Gravity Forms Entry Blocks
See how Desol Int. built an internal payroll tool from scratch in WordPress using Gravity Forms and Entry Blocks.

Spotlight: One Perk for 25,000 Pricing Levels with AdhamDesign
Learn how one concierge service uses Conditional Pricing to accommodate 25,000 pricing levels for their booking form.

Unlocking Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing’s Secret Features with Yearbox.com
See how one customer used a secret bulk importer feature in GP Conditional Pricing to create one product with 960 price points and save dozens of hours in the process.

Spotlight: Gravity Forms Media Library
Advanced Custom Fields
See how James Turpin is using Gravity Forms Media Library to automatically move files uploaded through Gravity Forms to Advanced Custom Fields.