
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Example
    1. Send email to site admin
  5. Since


Filter whether an e-mail should be sent to the site admin e-mail if GP Date Time Calculator detects a deviation between the frontend and backend calculations that exceeds the max delta.


add_filter( 'gpdtc_send_delta_warning_admin_email', 'my_custom_function', 10, 4 );


  • $send_email boolean

    true to send e-mail, false to not send e-mail

    Default: false

  • $field \GF_Field

    Current field object

  • $form array

    Current form array

  • $entry array

    Current entry


Send email to site admin

This example tells GP Date Time Calculator to send an email to the Site Admin when it detects a deviation between the frontend and backend calculations for a specific Form and Field.

add_filter( 'gpdtc_send_delta_warning_admin_email', function( $send_email, $field, $form, $entry ) {
    // Change 123 to the form ID and change 10 to the field ID
   if ($form['id'] == '123' && $field['id'] == '10'){
     $send_email = true;
   return $send_email;
}, 10, 4 );


This filter is available since GF Date Time Calculator 1.0-beta-4.0.