Filter the data that will be used to upload and generate the new media file.
Apply to all files for all forms and fields.
add_filter( 'gpml_media_data', 'my_custom_function' );
Apply to all files for all fields of a specific form.
add_filter( 'gpml_media_data_FORMID', 'my_custom_function' );
Apply to all files for a specific form and field.
add_filter( 'gpml_media_data_FORMID_FIELDID', 'my_custom_function' );
$media_data array
$file_array array
The details of the actual file to be uploaded.
$post_id int
The attachment ID to update or 0 to upload as a new attachment.
$desc string
The description of the file.
$post_data array
An array of data used to populate the generated attachment post (i.e. post_title, post_content, post_excerpt).
$field \GF_Field
The current field object for which the file is being uploaded.
$entry array
The current entry object.
Set Uploaded Image Data
* Gravity Perks // Media Library // Set Uploaded Image Data
add_filter( 'gpml_media_data', function( $media, $field, $entry ) {
$media['post_data']['post_title'] = 'Boom!';
$media['post_data']['post_content'] = 'This is the description.';
$media['post_data']['post_excerpt'] = 'This is the caption.';
$media['post_data']['post_meta']['_wp_attachment_image_alt'] = 'This is the alt text.';
return $media;
}, 10, 3 );
This filter is available since Gravity Forms Media Library 1.0.11.