Modify the current choice that’s being populated into the current field.
Apply to all fields on all forms.
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choice', 'my_custom_function' );
Apply to all fields on a specific form.
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choice_FORMID', 'my_custom_function' );
Apply to a specific field on a specific form.
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choice_FORMID_FIELDID', 'my_custom_function' );
choice array
The current choice being populated.
field \GF_Field
The current field being populated.
object array
The current object being populated into the current choice.
objects array
An array of objects being populated as choices into the field.
This filter is available since Gravity Forms Populate Anything 1.0-beta-4.116.
Add a custom choice template to choices
Add a choice template named image
to choices. This pairs well with the gppa_template_rows JavaScript filter.
* Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Add A Custom Choice Template
* Choice templates allow you to map data to different properties of your Gravity Forms choices.
* In this example, we demonstrate how to create a new template for a theoretical "image" choice property.
* With this in place, you would be able to select a value in the Populate Anything choices UI that is
* mapped to the "image" property for each choice.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', function () {
if ( ! is_callable( 'GFCommon::is_form_editor' ) || ! GFCommon::is_form_editor() ) {
window.gform.addFilter( 'gppa_template_rows', function (templateRows, field, populate) {
if ( populate !== 'choices' ) {
return templateRows;
templateRows.push( {
id: 'image',
label: 'Image',
} );
return templateRows;
} );
} );
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choice', function( $choice, $field, $object, $objects ) {
$choice['image'] = gp_populate_anything()->process_template( $field, 'image', $object, 'choices', $objects );
return $choice;
}, 10, 4 );