
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Since


Filter whether to convert comma separated values to an array if it’s still not an array. We check for a comma then space as this is what’s added by GP_Populate_Anything::use_commas_for_arrays() on the gppa_array_value_to_text filter.


Disable splitting comma separated values for all fields.

add_filter( 'gppa_split_field_objects_by_comma', '__return_false' );

Disable splitting comma separated values for all fields in a specific form.

add_filter( 'gppa_split_field_objects_by_comma_FORMID', '__return_false' );

Disable splitting comma comma separated values for a specific field.

add_filter( 'gppa_split_field_objects_by_comma_FORMID_FIELDID', '__return_false' );


  • split_field_objects_by_comma bool

    Whether to split field objects by comma. Defaults to true.

  • field \GF_Field

    The current field being populated.

  • object mixed

    The current object being populated into the field.

  • object_processed mixed

    The current object being populated into the field after being processed by the template.


This filter is available since Gravity Forms Populate Anything 2.0.23.