
  1. Description
  2. Usage
    1. Apply to All Forms
    2. Apply to Specific Forms (by form ID)
  3. Parameters
  4. Examples
    1. Enable Custom Pagination Support
  5. Since


Filter the custom pagination flag to enable custom pagination support.

In some cases, the progress indicators maybe be customized by a 3rd party plugin or as part of a bespoke solution. If such customizations conflict with GP Page Transitions animation of progress indicators, use this filter to enable custom pagination support.

Custom pagination support will transition the progress indicators as a single block-level element. This method is more flexible and supports a wide variety of customizations that can be made to the progress indicator markup.


Apply to All Forms

add_filter( 'gppt_is_custom_pagination', 'your_function_name', 10, 2 );

Apply to Specific Forms (by form ID)

// format: gppt_is_custom_pagination_{formId}
add_filter( 'gppt_is_custom_pagination_7', 'your_function_name', 10, 2 );


  • $is_custom array

    Set to true to enable custom pagination support.

  • $form Form object

    The current form object.


Enable Custom Pagination Support

 * Gravity Perks // Page Transitions // Enable Custom Pagination Support
add_filter( 'gppt_is_custom_pagination', '__return_true' );


This filter is available since GP Page Transitions 1.0.