
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Examples
    1. Change the encoding for all forms and shortcodes to use UTF-8 when generating QR codes
  5. Since


Filters the encoding used when generating QR codes. If you are using a non-English language, you may need to change this to something like UTF-8.


Filter the encoding used for all forms and shortcodes.

add_filter( 'gpqr_encoding', 'my_custom_function' );

Filter the encoding used for a specific form.

add_filter( 'gpqr_encoding_FORMID', 'my_custom_function' );


  • encoding string

    Encoding used. Defaults to ISO-8859-1.

  • content string

    Content being used to generate the code.

  • form array

    The current form if the QR code is generated using a merge tag.


Change the encoding for all forms and shortcodes to use UTF-8 when generating QR codes

UTF-8 is a widely used encoding and supports virtually every different spoken and non-spoken languages.

add_filter( 'gpqr_encoding', function ( $encoding, $content, $form ) {
	return 'UTF-8';
}, 10, 3 );


This filter is available since Gravity Forms QR Code 1.0.4.