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Gravity Connect Drip

Integrate Gravity Forms with Drip — and unlock enchanting automations for your marketing campaigns.

“Drip” is a registered trademark of Drip Global, Inc. Gravity Wiz and Gravity Connect are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Drip Global, Inc. Using Drip with Gravity Connect requires a Drip account.

Gravity Forms × Drip:
Magical marketing matchup.

The Drip Connection seamlessly connects Gravity Forms to Drip. Automatically add or update people, subscribe them to workflows, manage tags, record custom events, and map Gravity Forms entry values to Drip—all for a single annual fee.


  • Add people to Drip with Gravity Forms.
    Capture people’s information through your forms and automatically add them to your Drip contact list.
  • Update existing people organically.
    Keep info up to date by pushing form data to Drip. Automatically manage tags, workflows, segments, and more based on user interaction.
  • Create and record custom events.
    Automate audience segmentation, trigger targeted campaigns, and track engagement with custom events unique to your Gravity Forms customer journey.
  • Seamlessly add people to workflows.
    Enroll people into follow-ups, sales campaigns, support flows and more—directly from form submission.
  • Build forms visually. Automate with precision. Build powerful Gravity Forms and trigger personalized Drip actions with conditional logic and dynamic mappings.
  • Money-saving, value packed.
    No extra monthly fees or transfer limits. Just the sophistication of Drip.
  • Automatic updates.
    Get updates and the latest features right in your dashboard.
  • Legendary support.
    We’re here to help! And we mean it.

Why Drip?

  1. Sophisticated email marketing campaigns: Drip lets you design, schedule, and automate email campaigns with ease. Its intuitive visual workflow builder and behavior-based automation help you craft personalized customer journeys that run effortlessly in the background.
  2. Advanced audience segmentation: Drip’s segmentation capabilities enable you to send the right emails to the right people based on their behaviors, preferences, and purchase history.
  3. Collaboration and real-time insights: Drip’s platform supports team collaboration with shared dashboards and real-time analytics. Your team can easily monitor campaign performance, share insights, and optimize strategies collectively.
  4. Accessibility: Drip is accessible from any device with an internet connection. Manage campaigns, monitor performance, and respond to customer interactions no matter where you are.
  5. Security: Drip offers industry standard security measures to protect your data, including data encryption and access controls.
  6. Integration with other established tools: Drip can be quickly integrated with other widely used tools and e-commerce platforms, like WooCommerce and Shopify, allowing for a cohesive and efficient marketing ecosystem.

How do I enable this functionality?

After installing and activating the Drip Connection, you can create Drip feeds for any form. Use these feeds to add people to your Drip, add or remove tags, add or remove people from workflows, record a custom event, and pass data from your forms to Drip.

Drip requires you to have had your Drip account for at least 30 days before having access to the Drip API. If your project needs support for newer accounts, reach out to Drip’s support for assistance.

Open your Drip account copy your account ID from the URL. (Also under Settings > Account > General Info).
Navigate to Settings > User settings to get your API token.
Go to the Drip Connection plugin settings (Gravity Forms > Settings > Drip) and paste your account ID and API Key.

Get started with Drip feeds

Navigate to your desired form and click the “Drip” item under the “Settings” menu.
Click the “Add New” button to add a new Drip feed.
Choose which action you want this feed to perform.
Edit the feed settings. Each action has its own set of settings.

Feed Settings

When configuring feeds for the Drip Connection, you will be presented with the following settings.

Select the primary Drip action for the feed to take. Each action has its own Action Settings, and the default action is “Add Person.”

Add Person

This action adds a new person to your Drip account. It can also add all elements of their profile, custom fields, tags, and add them to workflows.

Example Use Cases

  • User registers for an event and is added to Drip. They’re also tagged as “interested in X” and added to the Event Attendee workflow.
  • Customer purchases a product for the first time and is added to Drip. They’re also tagged as a “new customer” and added to the New Customer workflow.

Workflows: Select workflows to add the person to.

Tags: Add tags to the person. You can select form fields and Drip tags directly.

Mapping a multi-input field (e.g. Name, Checkbox, Multiple Choice) as a tag will map each value as an individual tag. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

Jump to Personal Details and Custom Fields.

Update Person

This action updates a person from your Drip account. It can also interact with all elements of people’s profiles, custom fields, tags, and add them to workflows.

Example Use Cases:

  • Customer uses a different residential address for an order and their information is updated so they can receive communications about localized promotions relevant to their area.
  • Previous one-time donor sets up a recurring donation and is automatically added to the ”Recurring Donors” workflow and removed from the “One-Time Donors” workflow.

Add to Workflows: Select workflows to add the person to.

Remove from Workflows: Select workflows to remove the person from.

Add Tags: Add tags to the person. You can select form fields and directly from Drip tags.

Remove Tags: Remove tags from the person. You can select form fields and directly from Drip tags.

Mapping a multi-input field (e.g. Name, Checkbox, Multiple Choice) as a tag will map each value as an individual tag. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

Jump to Personal Details and Custom Fields.

Record Custom Event

This action records a custom event for a person from your Drip account.

Example Use Cases:

  • User fills out a form to download a free resource, like a PDF or a plugin, and have that recorded in their Drip profile as a custom event, “Downloaded free resource.”
  • Community member signs up for a challenge, “Challenge accepted.” Once the challenge is done, “Challenge completed.”

Event Name: Name the custom event that will be recorded.

Email Field: Map to a Gravity Forms Email field. This email will be used to identify the person to record the event for.

Drip Event Property Mappings: Create new event properties and map form fields, entry properties, or custom values to them.

New to custom events? Check out Drip’s short docs on custom events to learn more.

Personal Details

Map form fields to add or update a person’s profile details.

Email Field: Map a Gravity Forms Email field to Drip’s Email field. This is the only required field to identify a person.

First & Last Name Field: Map Gravity Forms Name (First) or Name (Last) fields to Drip’s First Name and Last Name fields.

Address Fields: Map Gravity Forms fields to Drip’s Address 1 and 2, City, State, Zip, and Country.

Phone: Map a Gravity Forms Phone field to a Drip’s Phone field.

Custom Fields

Map form fields, entry properties, or custom values to add or update custom fields for a person. You can select an existing identifier or create a new one.

Custom values input in “Custom Field Identifiers” will be sanitized to only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
Example: Favorite Animal will become Favorite_Animal.

Entry Detail Metabox

Forms with an active Drip feed get an additional entry detail metabox listing when the entry was processed and allowing you to process entries that weren’t processed.

The entry notes will report on any problems with the feed. If the issue persists, use the handy Feed Logs button to help with troubleshooting.

Known Limitations

  • Mapping data to Drip’s Time Zone property and Notes aren’t currently supported.


GP Email Validator

GP Email Validator adds email and domain validation to Gravity Forms Email fields, and more. Combine its properties with the Drip Connection for a cleaner email list and smarter marketing campaigns.


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You can use the free Loco Translate plugin to create translations for any of our Perks. If you’ve never used Loco translate before, here’s a tutorial written for beginners.


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Gravity Forms has hundreds of hooks. Check out our Gravity Forms Hook Reference for the most thorough guide to Gravity Forms’ many actions and filters.