Filter if the form should be processed when adding to the cart. Defaults to true
. Useful to
skip an attached form for specific variations, etc.
Filter if attached forms should be processed when adding a product to cart.
add_filter( 'gspc_process_form_on_add_to_cart', '__return_true' );
process_form bool
True to process and validate attached form, false to skip processing and defer to the default behavior.
product \WC_Product
The current product.
product_form \GFForm
The product form.
feed \GSPCFeed
The product feed.
valid bool
The current validation status.
quantity int
The quantity of the product being added to the cart.
variation_id int|null
The variation ID being added to the cart.
variation array|null
The variation data.
Skip processing if a “skip-form” query parameter is present.
add_filter( 'gspc_process_form_on_add_to_cart', function ( $process_form ) {
if ( rgget( 'skip-form' ) ) {
return false;
return $process_form;
}, 10 );
Skip processing the form if the product is a specific variation.
add_filter( 'gspc_process_form_on_add_to_cart', function ( $process_form, $product, $product_form, $feed, $valid, $quantity, $variation_id, $variation ) {
if ( $variation_id == 123 )
return false;
return $process_form;
}, 10, 8 );
This filter is available since Gravity Shop Product Configurator 1.0-beta-2.26.