How Do I Deactivate My License or Deregister a Perk?
Deactivate License
When you register a license for your site, it is automatically registered in your Gravity Perks account. If you ever need to deactivate the license for that site, for example if you have a Basic or Advanced license and want to change which site your license is registered to, you can manage your site registrations via your account.
Go to the Licenses tab, find your license and click the Manage Sites link. On this page, you’ll see a list of all Perks registered to this license, and below that a list of all registered sites. Click Deactivate Site, and you’re all set. If you want to authorize a new site, you can do so from this same page.
Deregister Perk
Deregistering a Perk is done in the same place. Navigate to your account, go to the Licenses tab, find your license and click the Manage Sites link. On the next page, click the Deregister Perk link next to the Perk you want to deregister.