Gravity Connect MailPoet

Send Gravity Forms data to MailPoet — manage subscribers, power up segments, and create lead gen forms with Gravity Forms magic.

“MailPoet” is a registered trademark of Automattic Inc. Gravity Wiz and Gravity Connect are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Automattic Inc. Using MailPoet with Gravity Connect requires a MailPoet account.

Gravity Forms × MailPoet:
Easy, powerful, magical.

The MailPoet Connection seamlessly connects Gravity Forms to MailPoet. Automatically subscribe and unsubscribe users, add or remove tags, and map entry values to MailPoet subscribers—all for a single annual fee.


  • Subscribe (or unsubscribe) users to MailPoet lists with Gravity Forms.
    Manage subscriptions from the forms that make them happen.
  • Add or remove tags from subscribers.
    Improve subscriber organization and empower segment automation.
  • Map Gravity Forms data to MailPoet custom fields.
    Capture rich subscriber data and sync it seamlessly.
  • User managed subscriptions.
    The MailPoet Lists field allows users to select the lists they want to subscribe to or unsubscribe from.
  • Powerful conditional logic.
    Tap into Gravity Forms conditional logic to only subscribe, unsubscribe, add or remove tags when certain conditions are met.
  • Money-saving, value packed.
    No extra monthly fees or transfer limits. Just the simplicity of MailPoet.
  • Automatic updates.
    Get updates and the latest features right in your dashboard.
  • Legendary support.
    We’re here to help! And we mean it.

Why MailPoet?

  1. Easy email management: MailPoet allows you to easily manage your email marketing directly from WordPress. Create and automate newsletters, welcome emails, and post notifications from the comfort of your website.
  2. Audience Targeting: Send the right emails to the right people with segmentation and automation. MailPoet helps you personalize campaigns based on subscriber activity, purchases, and more.
  3. Security: MailPoet follows industry-standard security measures, including email authentication (DKIM, SPF) and GDPR compliance, to keep your subscriber data safe and help protect your sender reputation.
  4. Integration with other established tools: MailPoet integrates with WooCommerce, Google Analytics, and other marketing tools, helping you track performance and optimize your email strategy.

How do I enable this functionality?

After installing and activating the MailPoet Connection, you can create MailPoet feeds for any form. Use these feeds to subscribe or unsubscribe users from lists, add or remove tags from subscribers, and pass data from your forms to MailPoet.

Navigate to your desired form and click the “MailPoet” item under the “Settings” menu.
Click the “Add New” button to add a new MailPoet feed.
Choose which action you want this feed to perform.
Edit the Feed Action Settings. Each action has its own set of settings.
[Optional] Add a MailPoet Lists field to your form to enable users to choose which lists they want to subscribe to or unsubscribe from.

Feed Settings

When configuring feeds for the MailPoet Connection, you will be presented with the following settings.

Select the primary MailPoet action for the feed to take. Each action has its own Feed Action Settings. Default is “Subscribe.”


This action subscribes a submitted email to one or multiple MailPoet lists. It can also interact with these elements of a subscriber: email, name, lists, tags, and custom fields.

Example Use Cases

  • Customer buys a product and is subscribed to a “Deals” list if they agree to receive communications.
  • Customer can unsubscribe from specific newsletter lists using a form that lets them choose which ones to leave.
Feed Action Settings

Lists: Select which MailPoet lists to subscribe submitted emails to. You can choose from MailPoet lists and MailPoet Lists form fields. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

Email Field: Map to the Email field that will receive the email address to be subscribed to the selected Lists.

First & Last Name Fields: Map Gravity Forms Name (First) or Name (Last) fields to MailPoet’s First Name and Last Name fields.

Tags: Select which tags will be assigned to the subscriber from MailPoet tags and form fields.

Mapping a multi-input field (e.g. Name, Checkbox, Multiple Choice) as a tag will map each value as an individual tag. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

MailPoet Custom Field Mappings

Map MailPoet custom fields to Gravity Forms fields, entry properties, or pre-existing values from MailPoet. You can also add custom values that support merge tags.

This section is only available in the Subscribe action.


This action unsubscribes submitted emails from one or multiple MailPoet lists.

Example Use Case

Unsubscribe form that gives users the opportunity to choose which lists they’d like to unsubscribe from and say why. Then, keep record of that information in their “subscriber” profile in MailPoet.

Feed Action Settings

Lists: Select which MailPoet lists to unsubscribe submitted emails from. You can choose from MailPoet lists and MailPoet Lists form fields. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

Email Field: Map to the Email field that will receive the email address to be unsubscribed from the selected Lists.

Add Tag

This action adds tags to existing subscribers.

Example Use Case

When a subscriber’s form submission reflects specific behaviors—such as making a purchase, downloading a resource, or signing up for a trial—you can tag them (e.g., “Recent Buyer” or “Free Trial User”) to trigger appropriate nurturing sequences.

Feed Action Settings

Email Field: Map to the Email field that will receive the subscriber’s email address to add Tags to.

Tags: Select which tags will be added to the subscribed email from MailPoet tags and form fields.

Mapping a multi-input field (e.g. Name, Checkbox, Multiple Choice) as a tag will map each value as an individual tag. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

Remove Tag

This action removes tags from existing subscribers.

Example Use Case

If a subscriber tagged as a “Free Trial User” upgrades to a paid plan, removing the trial tag ensures they’re not mistakenly targeted with trial-specific campaigns.

Feed Action Settings

Email Field: Map to the Email field that will receive the subscriber’s email address to remove Tags from.

Tags: Select which tags will be removed from the subscribed email from MailPoet tags and form fields.

Mapping a multi-input field (e.g. Name, Checkbox, Multiple Choice) as a tag will map each value as an individual tag. Form fields are indicated by a different color and icon.

MailPoet Lists Field

Other than a feed, the MailPoet Connection comes equipped with the MailPoet Lists field type. It works in tandem with the MailPoet feed to allow users to choose which MailPoet lists they’d like to be subscribed to, or unsubscribed from, depending on the action set in the feed settings.

You can configure the field to allow users to select one or multiple lists. For multiple lists, you can let users select all lists, a specific number of lists, or a range of lists.

Entry Detail Metabox

Forms with a MailPoet feed get an additional entry detail metabox listing the subscriber email attached to that entry, which links to the MailPoet subscriber, and their subscription status.

The MailPoet metabox will also report on any problems with the feed and allow you to reprocess it.


GP Email Validator

GP Email Validator adds email and domain validation to Gravity Forms Email fields, and more. Combine its properties with the MailPoet Connection for a cleaner email list and smarter email campaigns.


What happens if a subscriber submits a subscribe form?

If a submitted email matches with an existing MailPoet subscriber, the MailPoet Connection will update the existing subscriber’s information with the submitted information.


You can use the free Loco Translate plugin to create translations for any of our Perks. If you’ve never used Loco translate before, here’s a tutorial written for beginners.


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