Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing

Create flexible and powerful pricing levels for your Gravity Form Product fields based on conditional values in your form.

What does it do?

This plugin allows you create flexible and powerful pricing levels for your Gravity Form Product fields.

Save yourself the hassle and frustration of creating twenty different Product fields with different prices when what you really want is a single Product field with a variable price.

Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing can handle even the most complicated pricing variations with an easy-to-use interface for creating unlimited pricing levels per Product field.


  • Pricing levels for Gravity Forms Product fields.
    Create an unlimited number of flexible and powerful pricing levels.
  • Intuitive interface for managing pricing levels.
    Manage Product pricing using familiar conditional logic rules.
  • Import/export pricing for bulk editing via your favorite spreadsheet editor.
    Handle thousands of pricing rules with one-click export and an intuitive importer.
  • Offer bulk discounts, pricing based on user input, and more!
    Build complex pricing rules without the headaches.
  • Improved performance.
    A single Product field replaces twenty Product fields containing conditional logic, improving site performance.
  • Integrates with Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates.
    Apply date-based pricing rules with Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates, also part of the Gravity Perks plugin suite.
  • Automatic updates.
    Get updates and the latest features right in your dashboard.
  • Awesome support.
    We’re here to help! And we mean it.

How do I enable this functionality?

After installing and activating Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing, you can create Conditional Pricing feeds for any Single Product, Drop Down, Radio Button or Hidden Product field. Let’s walk through that process.

Add a Product field to your form and click Update to save your changes.
Navigate to Form Settings > Conditional Pricing and select your Product from the Select a Product Drop Down.
Set the price and rules to qualify for this pricing level. Add as many pricing levels as you’d like and click Save Pricing to save your rules.

Now that you know how to create pricing rules, let’s dive into what Conditional Pricing can do.

Feature Details

Pricing Levels

Pricing Levels consist of a price and a set of Pricing Rules that determine which pricing level should be used for the Product field’s price.

You can create an unlimited number of Pricing Levels for each of your Product fields. Levels can be rearranged by dragging and dropping them in your preferred order.

Pricing Levels use a first match policy, so levels with your strictest rules should be first. This often means you’ll start with your lowest price and end with your highest price.

Pricing Rules

Pricing Rules work just like Gravity Forms’ default conditional logic but instead of showing/hiding a field, the Pricing Rules determine which Pricing Level will be used to set the price of the Product field.

Pricing Rules consist of three fields:

  1. A list of all fields on your form that are available for conditional logic.
  2. A list of all the operators that can be used to compare the value of the first field with the value of the third input.
  3. The value to which the selected field will be compared. The format of this field will change based on the selected field type.

Just like conditional logic in other parts of Gravity Forms, you can add an unlimited number of rules to any Pricing Level by hitting the plus icon.

Usage Examples

Pricing Importer

The Pricing Importer tool allows you to add new or update existing pricing rules in bulk from a CSV file.

Navigate to Form Settings › Conditional Pricing, select the product you want to update, and click Import Pricing Levels:

Choose your CSV file and click Prepare Import.

Curious about what your CSV file should look like? See Importer Rules for detailed guidance.

Inside this UI, you’ll find a list of importing options, including the ability to append new pricing rules or replace existing pricing rules.

Here’s an example of what things look like post-import:

Reminder: Make sure to click the Save Pricing button to save the imported pricing rules.

Import Strategy

The Conditional Pricing importer provides a number of ways to handle imported pricing rules.

Replace All

This will delete all existing pricing levels and replace them with whatever pricing rules are provided in the import file. This is the preferred way of interacting with Conditional Pricing when you have hundreds of pricing levels. You create a CSV with all of your pricing levels that becomes your source of truth. Any changes are made there and then imported with the “Replace All” option keeping the rules in the editor and the rules in your CSV completely synced.

Replace Matching

This replaces all pricing levels for matching products.This is useful when you have separate CSVs for the pricing levels for each product (or group of products) and works similarly to the “Replace All” option above except it is product-specific.


This will simply add new pricing levels based on the import. It will not update any existing pricing levels.This is useful when you’d like to add new pricing levels while leaving existing pricing levels intact.

Importer Operators

The conditional pricing importer supports the following Gravity Forms conditional logic operators.

Operator Symbol Operator Label
! is not
< less than
> greater than
* contains
^ starts with
$ ends with

To use these operators in your import file, just prefix the value for which you would like to compare (e.g. $value would create rule where the mapped field ends with “value”).

Note: The “is” operator is the default operator. Any value without a prefixed operator will be compared with the mapped field using the “is” operator.

Importer Special Values

Empty values in import files are ignored. Use these values to create conditions that explicitly check for an empty (or not empty) field value.

Value Description
EMPTY Use to check for an empty value.
!EMPTY Use to check where a value is not empty.
Importer Rules

The best way to get started with creating an import file is to create some of the rules you’ll need via the UI and then clicking the Export Pricing to generate a CSV. You can add additional products and rules to this CSV and click the Import Pricing button to import the new rules.

If you’d like to customize the import file to better suit your needs, it is actually quite flexible. See the sample import file and sample form for a more comprehensive starting point.

Even still, it may benefit you to have a clearer understanding of the rules that govern the importer.

View Import/Export File Format Specifications

Usage Examples

Pricing Exporter

As of version 2.0, Conditional Pricing includes a one-click Export Pricing button that will export all of your pricing rules to a CSV file. Use this CSV file to add new rules and remove or modify existing pricing rules. When your changes are completed, import these files back into Conditional Pricing by clicking the Import Pricing button.


Invoicing Templates by Gravity PDF

GP Conditional Pricing integrates with Gravity PDF’s Invoicing 2.0+ templates. These templates allow for business-ready invoice generation from Gravity Forms submissions. They’re highly customizable, translatable, support conditional logic, and are GST/VAT compatible.

There’s a variety of modern templates to choose from and all templates integrate with GP eCommerce Fields, GP Advanced Calculations, GP Inventory, GP Unique ID, and GP Price Range. Learn more about Gravity PDF’s invoicing templates here.

Known Limitations

  • Gravity Forms does not have a reliable way to uniquely identify choices in choice-based fields. As such, pricing rules for individual Drop Down and Radio Button products are index-based. Removing or reordering choices in a Drop Down or Radio Button Product will corrupt your pricing rules.
  • User Defined Price, Calculation Product, Option, and Shipping fields are not supported.


You can use the free Loco Translate plugin to create translations for any of our Perks. If you’ve never used Loco translate before, here’s a tutorial written for beginners.


Can I show updated prices in choice-based Product fields?

We have a two-part snippet that will display prices in choice-based fields and update them when pricing conditions change. Follow these steps to use it:

  1. Paste this PHP snippet into your theme’s functions.php file.
  2. Add this JavaScript snippet to your form. We recommend using our Code Chest plugin to make this part easy.

With the two snippets installed, prices for choice-based fields will automatically update as the user interacts with the form.

Does Conditional Pricing work with the WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Addons plugin?

Yes; however, the WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Addons recommends using a hidden-total class in their documentation. Do not do this as it prevents Gravity Forms (and Conditional Pricing) from including that product in calculated total. Instead, add the gf_invisible class to achieve the same result.

Why isn’t the importer importing all of my pricing rules?

If your import file contains over a thousand unique products, condition columns, or condition rows, you will exceed PHP’s default max_input_vars limit of 1000. You can increase this limit as needed via your php.ini file. The process for editing your php.ini file differs by host. Contact your host for instructions.


Gravity Forms has hundreds of hooks. Check out our Gravity Forms Hook Reference for the most thorough guide to Gravity Forms’ many actions and filters.

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